Friday, July 1, 2011

Government: A Lesson in Balancing A Budget

Gentlemen and Ladies of the Government - all three branches,

I have never had to deal with the kinds of money and pretend money that is necessary to balance a national budget but I have dug myself out of debt and I thought maybe I could help.

Save ten percent of everything for emergencies. For me this is like broken cars and appliances. For a nation maybe it is more to pay for war.

You cannot spend more money than you earn. IF what you earn is not enough to cover basic expenses, you need more money. I would get a second job, you need to raise taxes on the people and businesses who happen to be rolling in money. They will not want to pay this money because they are greedy. If there were good, honest citizens they would want to pay their fair share. I do. I pay more than a quarter of the money earned to the government. I bet those mega corps don't. Try fairness. Besides, when you raise corporate taxes they simply pass that on to the consumer. That isn't good for us but it is better than a bankrupt nation.

I am still waiting to get trickled on from the Regan administration. I never got my trickle. I got my investments wiped out in the stock market crash during his term in office. Pretty sure the ole, "it works it's way down through society", is not true. Again, greedy people don't share.

You cannot rob Peter to pay Paul. Eventually everyone wants their money. Tap dancing for creditors gets exhausting and takes all your time and energy so other things slip through the cracks. Things like running the country, foreign policy and arguing like college rivals over who is smarter.

Next housing crisis give the money to the home owners and let them pay their mortgage companies instead of giving the money to the entities that simply sit on it. And since these entities created the last housing crisis with bad business practices and only looking at the bottom line slap them with HUGE fines when they want less regulation.

When you make financial decisions like raising taxes put parameters around that. These tax rates apply for X number of years and then are reevaluated. Much like when you decide to supplement income or housing for segments of society, define for how long, or for how many, etc.. DEFINE things better.

You cannot yank the rug out from citizens. Social Security and Medicare have been programs since before I was born. People PLAN their LIVES around the support they receive from these programs. Phase them out in 50 years so generations to come will NOT plan their lives around these programs.

Learn from your past mistakes. There is a book of things here so I will just say this: NOT THE FIRST BUDGET CRISIS. Shouldn't happen over and over and over.

Playing party line games is annoying to your bosses, that would be the voters. Get your job done. I know four year olds more reasonable and articulate. You have a job. We pay your salary, your health care and your pension. You work hard for US, not special interest, not big business, not lobbyists.

My copy of the constitution does not mention the protections that you provide corporate America. Could you distribute copies of this document or post on line for those of us who obviously have an out of date copy? The Supreme Court seems to have these articles. Please share.

If you cannot do your jobs, get out. It is called being fired or resigning. You are doing citizens no favors or earning the money we pay you while you are out campaigning and going to fund raisers. Do that on your own time. It isn't like any of you work 24/7-365. In the private sector you do not get paid to be absent excessively while you are out looking for another job. Even if you have been laid off. The real world is different than the fraternity of government you have created.

Thank you for your time and attention. I hope some of this helps.

You're Welcome,
Lillybell Blues

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