Tuesday, July 26, 2011


I received my honorary degree in Smart Ass some time ago. The post I wrote, "Let's Talk About Guns", was sarcasm. Not going to be wearing a gun on my hip. I am going to hire a body guard.

I got a very long lecture yesterday, actually two, about how I am bitter and hate everything and need to take a long look at me. Took a long, heartfelt look.

It's still you.

OK, go get your gun. That will be awesome after your 20th beer. You forget I have seen you after someone looked at you funny when you were loud and obnoxious. I think a gun is a great idea for you. Hey, you don't want my opinion, please don't ask. If it is of no value to you then......

The actual reason for this bitter, hate filled, rant is I want the right to not get shot. I don't want the right to have a gun, I want the right to not die at someone else's hand gun. Sitting here listening to the story of the latest responsible gun owner who killed six members of his family, in front of his child, on the child's birthday.

 Thanks, Dad! I always wanted a massacre!. WOW, this is better than Spider Man!

Last week it was a man who shot his wife while she and their kids were in a car. Yes, I see how reasonable these people can be. These incidents are just in northeast Texas. That's 7 people in less than a week. These are just the ones I recall I at the moment.

Let's get Norway out of the way because I hear the rumble...if someone else had just had a weapon they could have killed the crazy guy. Maybe. What a great decision to have thrust on you. Should I kill this guy? Should I take someones life? Should I carry the memory of that I head shot I made forever? More guns is not the answer to anything. Less guns, no guns, there you go. No hand guns. No weapons intended to just kill people.

"HA, ridiculous!, I hear you out there. Sorry. When I was growing up we had a saying. "Fighting for Peace is Like Fucking for Chastity". Crude? Yes. True? Yes. So let's paraphrase:, "Owning guns to kill people because people own guns is fucking stupid".

"I want to target shoot!". OK, go rent your weapon, load it with something non lethal and "kill" all the targets you want.

Hunters, go hunting. Take your weapons and try to make it a sport. You know, not sit in a blind by the feeder. The one with the camera that shows you when the deer is there so you can put down your beer and kill it. Or, my favorite, the guy who shot the deer out his kitchen window. ABC called, they would like to give you a TeeVee show. Go hunting and then eat and use what you killed. I will take a nice deer skin purse.

In Texas our "leaders" have decided that students can carry guns on campus. Yeah, that isn't a tragedy waiting to happen. After Gov. Hair killed that ferocious coyote he lost his mind.The man has a security team. He wears a gun when he runs? When he walks his dog? What does that say about the safety of our state?

Pretty sure they can't carry guns in the state house. Maybe they can, but I don't think so. They don't want to get shot. ME EITHER.

Cannot wait for those frat parties, those keggers....binge drinking and guns.

Please, may I just have a cigarette in public? HELL NO, that might kill us. Oh, I see.

DATELINE AUSTIN: Only 30 people died in the latest round of Killings at Keggers. Students are wearing Tee shirts that read, "I Survived the Kegger 11/11/11". That brings the total to 107 killed for "looking at my friend with benefits". On the other hand, the University announced it can take 107 more students from the waiting list". Yay.

MERCY, it is me isn't it? I want people to be reasonable. I want people to understand that guns do kill people. Just like knives cut meat. They don't do it by themselves, it takes a human to use the apparatus.

If your car had an issue that hurt a person it would be recalled and fixed so you don't die. If a child accidentally killed itself on a cord from a window shade the entire industry would have to change their design. But hand guns are meant to kill people, nothing else. Can't recall them for being good at their purpose.

I hear you too. "I am a responsible gun owner. I know how and when to use a gun. I would not go berserk and kill people. I have more reason than say those people who lose it everyday somewhere in this country and kill someone else".

My dad was you. He was a farmer, grew up around guns. When I was trying to keep him from drinking himself to death, a symptom of his dementia, I found 2 hand guns in his house, loaded. He needed to be around loaded guns like I need some more husbands. He was perfecrtly rational until he wasn't. Thank God I found the guns and not him. He wouldn't have a face now, maybe. Or my mother might be dead, or me.
I said maybe.

That guy in Fort Hood. He knew all about guns. He used them very well. He had been trained in safety and accuracy. Then he went crazy and killed people. Did you notice the soldiers didn't have loaded weapons? They save those for war. To kill the enemy.

Please do not wave the second amendment at me. READ IT. Then give me report on what it says. Then read some history. Not enough to hurt, just the parts that started America. The standing up to the King part. The Boston Tea Party part, the Intolerable Acts part. Read a little Jefferson. We will discuss this issue then.

Yes, I just gave you another reason to think or not think and just "unfriend" me or send me a private, ugly message. See, I just say it out loud. You apparently don't have that courage.

Maybe if you were holding your gun.


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