Monday, July 11, 2011


Heresthedeal. Some people have taken personal offense at some of the things I have written in I Love You Too Confessions of a Serial Marrier. Let's just say I didn't make too many friends but I crafted an enemy or two. We all have to be good at something.

The political commentary has ruffled some feathers. Some of them in my family. Some of them friends of friends and relatives of friends. I don't remember forcing anyone to read but then again that Ambien can make one do strange things. If I offend you, remember my opinion is worth almost as much as nothing. Always remember I have no power or connections. I am just loud mouthed and I hope sometimes funny. Snide is funny, right? Snarky, that's funny, right?

I decided not to post on my wall anymore and create a group instead which eventually I will "close" and it will be like a club. If you know people who read the posts add them to the group or let me know and I will add them.

If you would rather I take a long drive off a short pier, I get it. I would like you to take a chill pill.

Thank you all who take the time to read my musings, amusings or rants. This is MUCH cheaper than therapy. Besides, I LOVE hearing from you!!!

Lillybell Blues

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