Tuesday, July 12, 2011


OK, the answer is NO, I do not hate men. Quite the opposite. I love men. In many cases I have loved men too much. That is a sentence I never thought I would say out loud. One of the best/worst things I ever heard was, "I love you too much". I licked that right up. I didn't realize the sentence would read, "I love you too much....", hanging, the last part of the sentence unsaid. By the way, the last part is similar to, "it's not you, it's me". Yes, I usually think it is you too.

NO, I do not think I am perfect. I do not think I am close to perfect. I am experienced. Heard it all, seen it all or know of it second hand. NO, I am not a princess. I simply know my limits. I am not a person you want to be around in certain situations. Huge drunk crowds. You don't want me there. Camping. You really don't want me there. It would be hell for me and worse for you. Out in the heat for any period of time unless it is an emergency. You don't want me there. I am an AC girl. Lived the first nine years of my life without it, went to school until I was a sophomore in high school with open windows and fans. I think we had an air conditioned wing in junior high, an add on, but it was the math and science wing so really the trade off was even. Lived in two houses as a young adult without it. NO, I am not rich. My husband makes a comfortable living so I no longer have to work. Sorry, I realize how annoying that must be. We don't swim in money but we can live withinn our means.

What a Princess!

That is a phrase that makes me contemplate how best to silence the speaker of those words. I have a nice husband. The nicest man I have ever met. That is why I married him. HE thinks I'm a princess, not me. I have someone clean my house every other week because I can afford it. Doesn't make me a princess, makes me fortunate. I drive a nice car, doesn't make me a princess, makes me more fortunate. My husband bought it for our anniversary. He's a nice guy who enjoys spoiling me. I don't ask to be spoiled he's just made that way. He is also very quiet and does not always care to socialize to the same degree that I do. I have been asked if he is invisible. Sometimes I want to hang out with friends, even male friends. My husband would rather stay home. It works for us. Does not make me a whore. Sometimes we cocoon. Sometimes we bore each other to death but that beats arguing over the remote, money, and that "look". Yeah, we try not to be petty.

My life is not perfect. It is full of very difficult decisions. Life and death decisions regarding my parents. If you haven't faced this I pray you don't. I am the child on site. I am the responsible party. My mother does not know me. I irritate her with my presence. That is hard to take as a child of any age. No amount of being told it's normal at her stage of the disease to be paranoid makes it less painful. This means I don't get to say goodbye to her. She's gone. I now have to care for a woman who is a stranger to me and I to her.

I have created this group to avoid some very nasty comments and veiled threats I have received from, "friends". I am frankly shocked that people take such offense to my opinion and/or the story of my life. Sorry if you are in ILYT and you feel you were misrepresented. As I said, they are my OPINIONS and my MEMORIES of life. It's a blog, people, not meant to be great literature or answers to the great mysteries of life.

I used to think that, "Fuck'em if they can't take a joke", was a great saying, Think I will change it to, "grow up if you can't take a joke and try not to double click".

You're Welcome,
Lillybell Blues

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