Tuesday, January 31, 2012

GOP, Grandiose Obnoxious Punks

Some people have asked why I have been so quiet on the blog front about the GOP nomination process we are being subjected to this year. The best answer I have is that I thought it was all a joke. These people want to be the leader of the free world? Seems to me that we would all be better off if the entire lot was removed from the public airwaves. I have never witnessed a political season so rife with idiots in my life. I have lived a long time.

Every election season brings out the most lunatic fringe of a party but they are usually weeded out of the process pretty early. This year the GOP has nothing but idiots. Even as a liberal I recognize that both parties have given us great leaders throughout history. This year the GOP is doing everything it can to prove to the citizens of this nation just how absurd the party has become.

Any reasonable, rational person can see that the GOP has split itself in two, They have the elite, rich, white man club. And the crazy, racist, not very educated, gun toting Tea Party. How these two segments of the party fell into bed together I will never understand. When W. was running for President in 2000 he was quoted as saying, and I have to paraphrase, that the "double wide" crowd really liked him. That is because he spoke their language, butchered English. When John McCain had a moment of stupidity and selected Sarah Palin as his running mate, she brought the crazies out of the woodwork. The Tea Party. Or as some of them would spell it The Tee Pardy.

I am not saying that all Tea Party members are stupid. I am saying that the ones on television are stupid. Anyone who would listen to Sarah Palin about anything except out dated hair styles is stupid. She is their beacon of dumb. When she told the good people of South Carolina to vote for Newt, they did. These are people who think Obama caused the financial crisis in our country, that Obama was born in Africa and insist that he is a Muslim. They don't believe in science, they want creationism taught in public schools. They dislike people of different races and ethnic backgrounds. The Tea Party is the bastard child of the John Birch society and the Klan.

After Iowa, New Hampshire and South Carolina the GOP list of hopefuls was weeded down to Romney, Gingrich, Paul and Santorum. This is the best of the GOP? I say the Democrats can rest easy and prepare to keep the White house and to retake the House.

Presidential hopeful Mitt Romney has a few issues. He is filthy rich. Good for him. He stashes money in the Caymans and Switzerland to avoid paying even more than the 13% tax rate he pays. He thinks in excess of $300,000 isn't, "much money". He is pro and anti health care. He is pro and anti abortion. He is pro and anti gay rights. He is a cardboard cutout of what a president should look like according to some. You know, white and Brooks Brothersish. He is also completely out of touch with the average American. Although he has paid his taxes according to the tax codes as written, he should realize that the average America who carries a heavy tax burden does not understand the unfairness of it all. He doesn't see that. He thinks that people will be trickled on by dismantling companies and firing the workers. It's a corporate practice that feeds greed. Yes, he may have saved the bare bones of some companies but this country needs people working, not the market doing well. The market doing well only means that the rich are getting richer. The average worker is spending their money on taxes, housing, food, transportation and hoping against hope they are not wiped out financially in one layoff, one family illness or one tragedy. The average worker doesn't have significant money to invest. If they have money in the market it is likely company stock that is part of their compensation. They are not jumping on the latest IPO or buying up Dow Jones favorites when they are at a low. Mitt, wake up. Take a walk in the average Americans shoes. And do not put your dog on top of the car.

Presidential hopeful New Gingrich has the past of a loser. He is a mean, vindictive man with an ego even bigger than his head. He is the poster child of revisionist history. As speaker of the house Newt was frothing at the mouth from the beginning. His Contract for America was his manifesto of conservative values. Make the rich richer and let the rest of the population die out. His personal life is the picture of a troubled man. I have been married four times. However, I recognize that I should not be running for public office. I carry my baggage with a mixture of humor and shame. He carries his with lights blazing and sirens flashing. He is indignant that anyone would question him about wanting to have an open marriage. Sorry, Newt, your ilk set the standard for probing into some one's private life. I don't dislike Newt for his personal life. I dislike him because he is a pompous ass. He has all but said that black Americans and white Americans are not equal and shouldn't be. He wants disadvantaged children to be janitors in their schools. He seems to think that the public will swallow his tale of working for Freddie and Fannie as a historian. Why in the name of reason would they need any help from history? They needed an insider with enough power to keep lawmakers in line.  The only thing that Newt is good at is science fiction. He wants to have a colony on the moon by the end of his second term. Right. Then, when the population is big enough it can become a state. Right. Newt Gingrich should face the facts. His own party didn't like him after a fashion. The left wants nothing more than to stomp him into bits. Newt says he is a good debater. No, he isn't. He is a brazen debater who tanked when he didn't have the faithful cheering his bluster. He isn't fit to run any office in government much less be the leader of America.

Presidential hopeful Rick Santorum is a good Catholic boy living in the 1950s. He is certainly not electable. He seems to think that God is happily handing out children through the act of rape. "Any child is a gift from God". Mr. Santorum, I can assure you that if your wife or daughter were raped and that act resulted in a child you would change your tune. No girl or woman wants to be reminded of the most horrible, violent moment of her life every day. Victims of incest do not want to have the children conceived from their abuse. Mr. Santorum also thinks that gay sex and heterosexual sex are not equal. He thinks that heterosexual couples should have sex to procreate and the missionary position is sufficient to serve that purpose. He is really a non issue in the race. Too many women in America vote and we really didn't like being second class citizens. We won't be taking that step backward.

Presidential hopeful Ron Paul is crazy. He wants a lawless nation with as little government as possible. Sounds good on the surface. However in practice little government doesn't work. It could if we were a nation of honest, upstanding citizens. But in truth we are not. We have seen it over and over again. People are greedy. People cheat and lie. People steal and commit murder. People will screw you over in any fashion they can devise. I agree that the war on drugs should be stopped. It is a failed, never ending war. Instead of fighting the cartels, put them out of business. Prohibition brought organized crime to our nation. Someone will always be willing to disobey the law to make money. Lots of money. We might as well make that money as a consumer nation. As for the rest of Ron Paul's platform, it reads like some sort of Charles Dickens novel. Let the poor die. Gee, Dr. Paul, first do no harm.

The GOP is on life support. They have allowed the lunatic fringe to become their base. They are now pro life, pro death penalty, pro rich, pro war, pro Christian, pro guns, anti health care, anti immigration and anti education. Mostly they are anti Obama. Sorry, GOP. Sorry that President Obama won't stoop to your level. Sorry that you have nothing except lies to make any point. Sorry that you are becoming cannibalistic to one another. Not sorry that Bin Laden is dead. Not sorry our soldiers are home from Iraq. Not sorry that the auto industry is doing well. Not sorry that some people now have badly needed health care. Not sorry that you will be losing in November.

I am Lillybell Blues and I approved this message.

Tuesday, January 17, 2012


It's presidential election season again. The laborious task of choosing our leader is agonizing and expensive beyond words. It is also a ridiculous, out-dated show and tell that makes me question just how far we have not come. Our election process hasn't changed in decades while the world around us has changed dramatically.

Do we really need caucuses and primaries? Do we really need baby kissing and hand shaking to elect someone these days? I don't think so. We have wall to wall 24/7 news channels. We have more debates than we have smart candidates. We have constant ads on television telling us that the candidates are dangerous and evil. We have spewers on television and radio telling us what we should think, how we should vote and to remind us the candidate that they do not support is the worst thing that could happen to America. Billions of dollars are spent on slandering. No one runs on their own record or values when it gets down to the wire. It's all about the other candidate being a gay bashing, woman hating, corporate stooge, socialist who once kicked a puppy.

Why not move this process into the 21st century? For what it costs to get elected in America I bet every candidate could have their own broadcast channel where they could sell their platform and take jabs at their opponents 24 hours a day. That way we citizens could absorb or ignore all the misinformation we choose. This would save a lot of time and money on travel, food, hotels, buses, and security details. Not to mention we would also have an off button.

Those running for office who already hold an elected office wouldn't have to travel all over the nation. They could actually stay in their office and do the job we pay them to do. If Sara Palin can have a studio in her home, then candidates could have one in their office. "Hi nation, here doing my job, working to make your lives better. Remember my opponent used to pop the heads off chickens just for fun! Vote for me".

Caucuses and primaries? Really? Why not let America whittle down the candidates American Idol Style? Call 1-800-Liar, Liar to vote for candidate number one. Call 1800-I'm a Bigot to vote for candidate number two, Call 1800-Stupid to vote for candidate number three, etc.

In addition to using American Idol style voting in place of primaries and caucuses, let's hook up the candidates to lie detectors during the debates. It would make all that pesky fact checking by the "gotcha" journalists so much easier. The needles bobbing up and down on the graph paper during the debate would make a nice window next to the candidates as they tell their version of the truth. Technicians could also make lights and sirens go off during blatant lies.

Party conventions are  a relic of the past. Why do we need a week of glad handing, speeches and a pep rally to announce the candidate? We already know the candidates, we have heard all their rhetoric, we know all their sins and have pretty much made up our minds by the time the conventions roll around.

Political conventions were necessary before we had a three second news cycle. When a candidate puts their foot in their mouth at breakfast it is the lead news story by lunch. Let's take advantage of technology in the process of electing the leader of the free world. I personally would rather have a root canal than watch the conventions. They are a waste of time, money and brain cells.

Seriously, this is 1800s style politics with the addition of mass media. Let's make this process quicker, easier and less painful. Candidates can announce in January of an election year, get their studio, broadcast their propaganda, participate in the debates and perform a final dance as they are voted off.

You're Welcome,
Lillybell Blues

Saturday, January 7, 2012


"I didn't say black people", insisted Rick Santorum on Bill O'Reilly's No Spin Zone. Yet there he was spinning like Rumpelstiltskin. Only he was producing pure manure instead of gold. "I said blah people". That was all of the clip I could stomach watching.

I disagree, Mr. Santorum. Admittedly, I was only watching the national news when I saw and heard you clearly say, "black people". The moment stands out in my mind because I immediately thought, "he just said on camera to a largely white audience that he didn't want to give their money to black people. Is he THAT stupid?" Sadly, Mr. Santorum, you are.

Newt Gingrich asked  for an invitation to speak to the NAACP so he could advise black people how to get off the welfare roles and on a payroll. Mr. Gingrich has also stated that unfortunate children who don't have fathers and role models should be allowed to work as janitors in the schools they attend. What a pompous blowhard.

Rick Perry apparently hunted on a lease known as, "Nigger Head," when he was growing up in Texas. Having grown up in Texas myself, this surprises me not at all. Being born in 1953 I clearly remember life before the civil rights movement. I remember hearing and saying , "You're a nigger and I'm not", and "last one in is a nigger baby". At the time these were just childhood taunts like, "I am rubber and you are glue, whatever you say bounces off me and sticks to you". As I grew up I realized how nasty and insulting those particular taunts were.

Ron Paul is probably the worst offender. He published many racists articles in his lifetime. He swears he doesn't remember writing or reading them, he just published them. Talk about being removed from reality. That is like Forbes Magazine saying they published some financial articles in their magazine but their publication is not about money.

Since the election of Barack Obama, I have been shocked at the racist attitude still alive and well in this nation. I have seen cartoons drawn of both the President and the First Lady as terrorists as well as apes.  I have seen rich white men froth at the mouth about Obama's birth certificate. Even after the White House released the full certificate that clearly shows our President was born in Hawaii some people won't believe the truth. Why? Because these people still believe that blacks are not capable of being equal to white people. The reality of having a black man as President and Commander-in-Chief is more than their egos can tolerate.

I have met people who do not consider themselves racists, they just don't like other races as much as the Caucasian race. "My best friend is black, I call him a nigger and he calls me a cracker but I like him, the color of his skin doesn't matter but in general I prefer white people". How could that be considered not racist? That is the definition of racist. "White people are just better".

The state of Georgia is trying to keep Obama off their state ballot for the election in November. Georgia has apparently sided with "birthers". Ergo they don't want a non citizen's name on the ballot. Add that to the fact that Georgia is currently in the news for the wording of math problems in one of their public schools: "there are 526 oranges on the trees, If eight slaves pick the oranges, how many will each slave pick?", I would say Georgia is still living in the 1800s.

The Tea Party is the KKK come out of the closet. Their rallies are only missing the robes and hoods. They can claim that they are all about getting back to fiscal conservatism and the Constitution but they certainly seem racist. I heard a Tea Party member explain to a reporter that even his black wife thinks that Obama is too black.  Too black? What is too black? Is it skin tone? Is it attitude? Is it DNA? "Too black", is a racist phrase.

Men like Rick Santorum, Newt Gingrich, Rick Perry and Ron Paul are so innately racist that I don't think they even recognize their racism. To assume that black people are the majority race on the welfare roles is racist. For New Gingrich to assume that he has the ability to explain to the NAACP how they can get their people off food stamps is racist. For Rick Perry's handlers to say that "nigger head" is what all the locals called the lease because of the shape of a rock on the property, is racist.

Baby boomers have learned over the course of a lifetime that many of the things we were taught as children turned out to not be true. One of the basic things we learned is that all people really are created equal. There are divisions in our society that are driven by socioeconomic status not skin color. There are many people in need in the country, many people on food stamps and receiving money from government programs. These people in need are Americans. They aren't black, white, brown, yellow, red or whatever color they are referred to, they are people.

Whites who automatically assume that blacks are lesser simply because they have a different skin color are racist to the core. Dr. King lived and died so that people could be judged not on the color of the skin but the quality of their character. I love that idea. Let's judge everyone on the quality of their character. Using that as the measure, I would say that none of the GOP front runners qualify to run this nation.

Life used to be black and white. It was evident everywhere. Separate neighborhoods, water fountains, entrances into businesses, separate sections on  public buses, hotels and restaurants for blacks and whites. No mixing in society. No mixed marriage. No relationship with blacks unless they worked for you.

Now life is apparently blah and white. At this point in history we are supposed to have evolved into reasonable, understanding people who see everyone as equal in the eyes of The Lord and society. Instead we have created little more than political correctness. Watch your mouth, not your soul. Don't say the wrong thing but thinking the wrong thing is fine. Back pedal when you are caught sounding and behaving like a racist. Make excuses for your ignorance, "I said blah people".

Mr. Santorum, you are the poster child for blah people.

You're welcome,
Lillybell Blues

Sunday, January 1, 2012

and a HAPPY NEW YEAR...please

Every year people around the world go berserk one week after Christmas. Just in case all that celebrating wasn't enough it is time to ring in the New Year, so woo hoo, party on! I am not sure why this habit irritates me so much, but it does. It has since I was six years old.

In 1959 I was allowed for the first time in my life to stay up until midnight on New Year's Eve. It was the beginning of a new decade. I had no idea what that meant so my father graciously explained to me the calendar, leap day, leap year, decade, century, etc. WOW, it sounded fantastic, a new decade starting tomorrow, 1960! After much pleading I was allowed to wait until midnight to see the decade change.

Nothing. Zip. Nada. I just didn't get it. The New Year arrived and I had to go to bed. The next morning every thing and every one was exactly the same. No gifts, no real celebration, lots of football. Yeah, I was incredibly disappointed. Big deal. It was midnight and then nothing changed.

Over the years I went to New Year's Eve parties, hosted parties, went to public events, went to private events, had dates, didn't have dates, was married or divorced. New Year's Eve is one stupid celebration. It celebrates nothing but having to remember what the heck year is it now?

People have long argued with me over this so called holiday. I contend it is much ado about nothing. They insist it is like turning over a new leaf. No, it isn't. No magic fairy dust gets sprinkled on your head and suddenly you are a better person. No matter what your "resolutions" may be, they still only work IF you are ready to do the work. That can happen any day of the year. Or not.

People set themselves up for disappointment and heartbreak because it is the day the calendar stops one year and begins again. They MUST go somewhere, they REALLY want a fabulous date. They want to look good and behave like contestants in an "I Am An Annoying Drunk" contest. Setting themselves up for disappointment before it is even midnight. Then after the sloppy and uncomfortable kissing of loved ones and/or strangers, it is time to tell the whole world, drunk on your ass, how you are gonna be better, stop smoking, lose weight, go to counseling, paint the house, train the puppy, get a job, whatever, so you can disappoint them as well as yourself. Great way to start a year.

On the actual day, January 1, millions of people world wide wake up with a hangover, possibly a stranger, and a vague memory of how they are supposed to get up and go to the gym  ...everydayuntilIlosethis25poundsreally. Nope, must go back to work tomorrow. And take down the Christmas tree. That probably won't leave much time for the gym, better start that next week. OH, my head. I really need a cigarette. Too bad I quit. Again. Maybe I should just cut back. MERCY! I think I must have the flu.

I talk to people who, "really didn't drink that much. It really just hit me all of the sudden. Let's see I had cocktails and then champagne and then a few more cocktails. Did I mention the Bloody Mary's I started with in the morning?"  They are stunned every year at how awful they feel. And how tired they are. WOW! It is shocking. My mother had "the stomach virus" every January 1 for years.

I still do not understand why people put themselves through this ritual. I could get with the program if we all woke up January 1 with something to show for the New Year. Wake up healthier, happier, wealthier, more satisfied with life and the world. But inevitably we wake up with the same joys and sorrows we went to sleep with. If there was any sleep.

With all my cynicism, my wish is the same every year. World peace, an end to hunger and suffering, a cure for all illness and love for every person.

And an attitude adjustment.

A happy, healthy, prosperous New Year and a better world for us all.
Lillybell Blues