Saturday, November 10, 2012


Dear GOP leaders,

Some of you must have watched the election returns. Apparently neither Speaker Boehner or Mitch McConnell watched. In an effort to reach across the shark invested aisle, President Obama called both gentlemen after his victory speech. Both Boehner and McConnell were sleeping. Dreaming of a white Christmas or a white president no doubt.

I actually started this post on Wednesday feeling very positive. I was feeling certain the federal government was going to come together now that we have a clear national mandate. I had a wish, a hope, a dream that the level headed, pragmatic members of the GOP would push aside the lunatic fringe that have been allowed to lead your party. I confess, I also had a nasty little fantasy of Karl Rove, Rush Limbaugh, Bill O'Reilly, Ann Coulter and Sean Hannity being dragged away from cameras and microphones and air dropped on an island with nothing but Ted Nugent, Meatloaf and Chuck Norris for entertainment.

It took 2 years, billions of dollars and non-acts of Congress, but we citizens finally managed to have the actual election. The process itself, from hats being thrown into the ring to election night, is something between clown college and a fraternity initiation. Elections are bloated wastes of money and time full of half truths and complete lies. It is posturing, primal behavior which might be great for reality TV but as a way to elect the leader of our nation it is a joke. This issue, among many, is something Congress could actually change. Politics is more important to the Grand Old Party.

Let me explain to you the error of your ways as average Americans see it.

You are completely out of touch with the people you count on to elect you. You are more concerned about winning the political war than working on fair legislation to first heal and then grow the economy. You will not smack down the lunatic fringe of your party who make you all seem like, racist, misogynistic, elitist pricks.

In 2004 when George Bush won re-election your party boasted of having a clear mandate. President Bush himself stated he had a lot of political capital and he planned on spending it. Fast forward to 2012 and Obama's re-election. Your party claims his re-election is not a mandate. Let me run the numbers for you.

In 2004, George W. Bush was re-elected with 286 electoral votes and 48.3% of the popular vote.
In 2012, Barack Obama was re-elected with 303 electoral votes and 51% of the popular vote.

If Bush had a clear mandate then doesn't Obama have a clearer mandate? Logic would say yes, but apparently logic isn't necessary in the GOP. You continually undermine the party with this kind of political strutting. It's not your job to protect and defend your political party. It is your job to protect and defend your nation. There is a vast difference.

Now, let me give you a few hints that might benefit your party in the future.

Anytime you have a candidate caught on tape talking about the pathetic 47% of the country that don't need to be worried about you are in serious trouble. When you have candidates talking about God sanctioned rape babies and abortion you are in trouble. When you let right-wing radio and television hosts become the voice of your own party you are in trouble. When you bank on the information coming out of Fox News you are in trouble.

So listen up.

The average American is not stupid. We will not be pandered to. Didn't you learn that lesson during the 2008 election when John McCain thought Sarah Palin would win the women's vote based on her gender? The average American is no longer white and male. The average American is not an evangelical Christian. The average American is sick of banks and money lenders getting away with ruining the housing market while continuing to make healthy profits. The average American is sick of paying outrageous prices at the gas pump while the energy companies post their highest profit margins ever. The average American is sick of knowing they pay a higher percentage in taxes than the wealthiest among us. The average American realizes that corporate profits and CEO pay have soared while workers are being laid off. The average American does not buy the trickle down theory of economics.

Your party has derailed. Time to set it back on track with both feet standing firmly in reality. Time to look for candidates who are diverse, intelligent, fair-minded and able to reach out to all Americans. Stop trying to make the rest of us fit into the, "white men are the average American", model. Not anymore. Not in a long time. Time to acknowledge the separation of church and state. Time to pay attention to education. Time to cut defense spending.  It's time for one or more among you to stand up and renounce extremism. It's time to tell Rush and Sean and their ilk to shut up. It's time to eat humble pie and work with the other party. I'm not sure you can do it with the leaders you have now. Look among your ranks. There must be a moderate or two.

Otherwise you could end up like the Whig party.

You're welcome,

Wednesday, October 10, 2012


This is America. Land of the free, home of the brave and cesspool of politics. The, "land of opportunity", is becoming the land of, "you other guys SUCK". Election season magnifies the divide in our nation and between her citizens.  Like bacteria under a microscope our differences look menacing and potentially unbeatable.

We all want the same basic things in life.  Good health, happiness, shelter, the ability to pursue our dreams, money for creature comforts and the same for our families. The security to go about our daily lives without being harassed or threatened by roving gangs of criminals or over zealous police is expected. The comfort in being a member of a society living without constant threat of death or injury from a terrorist attack, foreign or domestic, is expected. In other words, a free society.

Freedom to live as we choose has changed time and again in our nation. Our ability to start with nothing and make something of ourselves is becoming the exception and not the rule in our current era. The cards are stacked against many in this country and more often than not few care so long as they or their families are not personally impacted.

American history is bloated with examples of people with power holding others back. Of corporations taking advantage of their workers.Of people being bought and sold as property. Of children being used as cheap labor. Of immigrants being used for the most dangerous and deadly tasks in manufacturing and building. Of robber barons monopolizing their industries. Of people being cheated out of their homes, property and way of life. Of non-white people and women being second class citizens or not citizens at all.

America has suffered through civil war, civil unrest, labor strikes, natural and man made disasters. It has taken slow, painstaking changes in our laws and societal thinking to create a level playing field for all of our citizens. Sounds like a land of progressive, thoughtful people. Sounds like a nation of citizens that care about those who do not have all the tools readily at hand to be successful. Sounds like a society who can change and evolve.

Yet we seem to be stuck. We aren't moving forward and moving back is not an option. Our nation is in debt. We have been involved in war for 11 years. We have well educated, capable people out of work. We have hunger and homelessness in every town and city. We have high crime. Our education system is struggling. Our veterans are coming home to no jobs and in danger of losing their homes. We have citizens who have no access to health care for themselves or their children.

We need job creators. We need to manufacture the best products to export to the rest of the world. We need sustainable, affordable energy. We need to provide the best education to give our children the skills necessary to compete and succeed in the world. We need visionaries to take us to new heights in science and technology. We need to have common national goals in which we can take pride.

So how do we, the voters, choose those among us to govern, to legislate? We listen to name calling, school yard level taunting, lies and witness underhanded behavior. This behavior is from our candidates and their election teams and not the lunatic fringe. Election season reminds me of those first few months every year in junior high when slam books were passed from student to student to express their real feelings about their peers. (For you youngsters, slam books were how we bullied each other in school prior to the Internet).

Electing our leaders has become like one, long tail gate party, side by side with rivals, that turns into a brawl. We even have team colors and mascots. The Red vs The Blue. The Elephant vs. The Donkey. We have warring spin doctors dominating every form of media 24/7. There is an entire industry that consists of spewing distorted versions of facts and conspiracy theories. One sided, political party loving, party excusing and explaining experts are everywhere. Finding dirt on an opponent is the number one priority. They preach gloom and doom if the other side should win. We have reached the point in history where winning is more important than the state of the union.

Both sides have demonstrated their unwillingness to resolve issues because they will not compromise. Members of Congress will walk away from their job rather than engage in the nasty business of working out legislation. They take their ball and go home. Conveniently they stop in front of all the cameras and microphones on the way out to drop some sound bites in time to make the next news cycle.

We should not stand for this. We aren't fans in a stadium rooting for the home team. We are citizens of a nation in turmoil in need of leaders, statesmen and people of reason representing we the people.

The founding fathers of this nation set out to create a society where one's fate was not determined by the circumstance of birth.  No Kings begetting more kings. No landed gentry begetting more gentry. No poor and enslaved begetting more poor and enslaved. No national religion to follow or to influence legislation. The founding fathers envisioned a nation where everyone was equal. Where opportunities were there for all. Where you could achieve things based on ability and merit. Where the good of the nation was above the good of any one portion of society. These men were so aware of history, of the natural selfishness of man and the addictive quality of power, they created a constitution that could be amended as the needs of society changed while preserving equality for all citizens. Three branches of government to maintain a balance. A peaceful change of power.

Were these perfect men? No. They were flawed, stubborn and self serving to varying degrees. They could not reach an agreement on slavery so they left the fate of those enslaved in the hands of history. They acknowledged their failings and weaknesses. But they laid the foundation for a dynamic Republic. We are the lucky recipients of their struggles.

America is at a crossroad. We are weaker in many areas than we have been in decades. This is the time people must come together. Compromise is necessary and when it cannot be achieved then consensus must be found. This isn't about who wins and who loses, this is about realizing what we do now will effect people here and now as well as in the future. This isn't about running America like a corporation or one huge social program. This is a time for truth from those who want to represent us in Government. This is the time for clear, actual plans to make positive changes. We do not need recitations of what is wrong with those across the aisle but civil discussions of what is and is not working for our citizens and our bottom line. This is about what America should be for the good of all citizens.

We flourish as a nation when everyone has the opportunity to grow, learn and find their niche. I don't believe we would be happier all wearing uniforms, goose stepping and towing the national line. Nor do I think we would be happier in a lawless, dog eat dog society where your rights are determined by those with the most power, money and/or the biggest weapon.

We must learn to discuss ideas and philosophies as intelligent, considerate, thoughtful human beings. Our leaders should be exemplifying that behavior. Role modeling as we called it in corporate America. The leader of the free world should be able to rise above pettiness and party politics. The leader of the free world should listen to all the representatives of the nation's citizens. The leader of the free world should be able to stand toe to toe with their peers around the world. The ability to throw a zinger or chant a good slogan does not a leader make.

I'm not saying vote for my candidates, I am saying demand better from those who lead and aspire to lead. Don't wallow in the shallow end. Don't drink the Kool-Aid. Don't be sheeple. Don't give in to petty name calling and spreading innuendo. Don't just listen to what you want to hear. Educate yourself. Read and listen to differing points of view. Search for unbiased information that is not skewed. Demand answers with back up documentation. We deserve that.

Alone we are but one voice. Together we are a choir. Demand better, it's the least we deserve.

You're welcome,
Lillybell Blues

Thursday, August 2, 2012


America seems to need an enemy. Not just foreign but domestic as well. Our society gravitates to the ideologies that divide us and then we conquer ourselves. It is not enough to live in the land of the free and the home of the brave. It is not enough to have a history of  saving the civilized world from destruction. We are driven to find something to disagree on or we become malcontent with our American Dream.

Gender divided this nation from it's inception until the 1920s. Race divided the nation before we were a nation. Religion has divided the world since creation. Native people across the globe have been removed from their land and had their cultures changed because they weren't white, Christian, Anglo Saxons. Practices that have divided us throughout history, for the most part, have been legislated out of existence. Of course there are still people who cling to their ism like a baby to a pacifier. Their ism somehow sustains their reason for being.

Politics, while always divisive, now holds the cleaver that hacks this nation in half. Politics is no longer a philosophical divide. It is now the calling card that defines you.

  "I am John/Jane Doe, Staunch Democrat/Republican. I cannot tolerate you or your political leaning."

  "How not nice to meet you John/Jane, as I am your staunch opposite. Let us find no middle ground or anything in common, for that would make me a liberal/conservative lover. Let me teach my children to hate your children and with any luck there will continue to be bullying and hate".

What an insult to all those who put their lives on the line to give us freedom. How foolish we are to think that defining our differences is more important than seeking what draws us together. How did we reach this current plateau?

I blame white men.

Now, men friends, don't get your knickers in a knot. I don't mean you personally, I mean your forefathers and their forefathers.

Apparently, since western civilization was formed all the rights and privileges were for white males. Women were property, blacks were slaves and white guys ruled the world. Literally.

Well, gentlemen, you have done a terrible job. In all segments of our society from government to religion you have practiced oppression and hate with your rules and your laws.

My paternal great, great grandmother immigrated to America from Norway. Her husband died leaving her with nothing except hungry children. As a woman she couldn't own property so she lost his money and his farm. Well, not all of his property. She still had herself.

Great, great grandmother Jensen came to America to make a life for herself and her children. Throughout my grandparents lifetime the family struggled. However, my father and his siblings all went on to be successful after growing up through the Great Depression and fighting in World War II. The G.I. bill was perfect for smart young men with no money for higher education.

We baby boomers were born into a great world except for one small problem. A large segment of our society still wasn't free. Segregation and racism were prevalent. Women, after finally being given the right to vote, were supposed to pop out babies and be their husband's domestic staff while smiling and wearing pearls. IF they wanted or needed a career they could be nurses, school teachers, secretaries, strippers and/or prostitutes. If they voted, they were expected to vote for their husband's candidate.

What society has learned from a male dominated culture is that keeping everyone beneath, "Important White Male", status was imperative to keeping us civilized. Through generations of hard work, protests, jailings, lynchings, murders and court cases, white men have been forced to get in line. Shape up a little and quit being such strutting cocks.

With laws no longer on their side, no laws keeping the white guys in positions of authority by laws written by white guys, what's a guy to do? Hammer at our differences and bring every man, woman and child into the fray.

People want to defend marriage, fetuses, bankers, market speculators, gun owners, chicken sandwich makers and gigantic corporations. The Supreme Court has defined corporations as people. Citizens are frightened everyday will tales of gloom about how poor people are killing America. Illegal immigrants are coming across our borders to nefariously harvest our crops. And those non-citizens are actually feeding their children, who work beside them in the fields, with money that American citizens could be making.

Gay people want to have lives. OUT IN THE OPEN! Noooooooooooo. That will ruin everything. That means that gay people can marry, raise children, be productive members of society! Can't have that. Let's pick on gays.

Women want to have insurance that covers birth control! Noooooooooooo. That is an affront to religion. Well, not all religions. Catholics. It's an affront to Catholics. We have seen what an upstanding institution the Catholic Church has been. Keeping people in poverty, keeping women in their place, keeping pedophiles on the payroll. We can't possibly offend the Catholic Church.

STOP IT! We have created a nation where finally, by law, all PEOPLE are equal. We still have issues, we still have problems. As a matter of fact, we have enough issues and problems just maintaining a nation to last our lifetime without throwing in every single hate and ism we can dream up.

Please, let us focus on what we all want. The right to live in peace, live without fear, healthy family members, good jobs, housing, food, clothing, warmth, coolness, freedom to be yourself. That's what we should all want. We should want that for every citizen. Not because we are socialists, not because we are subversive but because we are human.

If you want rights for yourself, want them for all. If you have needs, know that others have them as well. Help where you can. Give what you can to enrich some one's life experience.

And step away from all the Kool-Aid.

Create a sameness, not a difference.

You're welcome,
Lillybell Blues

Saturday, June 30, 2012

HEALTH's a good thing

The Supreme Court has found the Affordable Health Care Act to be constitutional. Finally, something for the citizens of the nation. This almost restores my faith. Not quite, Citizens United is still the worst decision by the court in my lifetime. However, for now, I am celebrating living in a nation where people are still important.

As soon as I heard the decision on NBC, I began surfing news channels to see how the decision was being spun. FOX and CNN made it sound like America was about to demand that all citizens dress in brown and goose-step across the nation in Facist revelry. On MSNBC I think Chris Matthews might have wet his pants. He should see a doctor about that.

 I decided to see how the market was reacting. Not at all surprising, Big Pharma, Big Insurance and other medical industry related corporations were in negative territory. Simply an indication that people with enough money to invest realized profit margins were going to be smaller in those industries and were jumping ship. That was all I needed to confirm what I already knew. What is good for citizens isn't good for wall street and vice versa.

Insurance was the first industry to sell nothing. Maybe in it's origin the purpose of insurance was noble but, over time, insurance became the Big Brother of our problems. Insure your home, car, property and body. Never worry again. For several thousand dollars a year you are guaranteed coverage unless you are affected by something that insurance won't cover. Or if you are sick too long. Or your illness requires too much treatment. Or if you have a chronic illness, a pre-existing condition or an Act of God befalls you, then you are screwed. By the way, they do not return the money you have paid them after they have denied your claim. That's called profit.

I have known people with great insurance coverage who still had to spend every single dime they could scrape together on pesky kidney failures, liver problems or some tricky cancer. I have known people to become ill with deadly viruses or sudden, painful, chronic illnesses and have their insurance company deny coverage. In every case I know of personally, the person with the illness ultimately had to file for bankruptcy, even with coverage.

What the insurance industry wants is for healthy people to buy their service and never use it. That makes them rich and happy. For people who dare become seriously ill, insurance providers become unreasonable quickly. Experimental treatments and drugs are too expensive. Transplants, too expensive. Chronic illness, too expensive. Drugs with no generic, too expensive. Go see one doctor to be referred to another doctor. Ever had an injury that was healed by the time you got to see the doctor who could actually treat you? I have. It's very frustrating.

So what happens now that Obamacare is constitutional? People who have insurance coverage can keep it. People with children can cover them on their insurance until they are 26. People with no insurance can either buy it at a reasonable cost or pay the penalty for not having coverage. Those who want insurance but still cannot afford it will receive subsidies from the government. Medicaid will be expanded. Insurance must cover pre-existing conditions and there is no annual or lifetime cap. Sounds horrible. For the insurance industry.

As it is now, people without insurance wait until they are very sick or suffer an injury or medical emergency and then rush to a hospital emergency room. Patients do not magically start spewing money out of every orifice when they enter the emergency room so taxpayers in the city and/or county and/or state cover their care. We pay for the uninsured no matter what. Now all patients can be treated early, can receive screenings, receive care early and don't have to worry about being denied coverage.

The humorous point to the healthcare bill is that it's genesis is based on the plan drafted by Massachusetts under Governor Mitt Romney. Now the GOP, including Mitt himself, must try to convince us that this will be the downfall of America. Mittens has to campaign by berating the bill he signed into law in his own state. That would be like Lincoln wanting to repeal the 13th amendment. Or FDR reversing himself on social security. Or W. denouncing the wars in the middle east. So, was Mittens a horrible, facist governor who forced mandated health care on his state or is he a candidate willing to say anything to keep his backers happy? I am guessing the latter.

So, suck it up, citizens. Now we are all equal under the medical law. Now the poor and disenfranchised can receive decent medical care as needed instead of waiting until their condition is an emergency. Insurance companies now have to actaully do their job instead of increasing their profit margins. This is good for the country as a whole.

There is only one more change I would like to see regarding medical care. Stop the advertising of drugs and medical devices. I am sick of hearing about peeing too often, not being able to pee, the dangers of a four hour erection, the best knee replacement, etc. These are conversations to have with a doctor. Big Pharma wouldn't have to charge so much money for their products if their advertising budgets were slashed. And I won't want to vomit during dinner when the Cialis commercials run.

You're Welcome,
Lillybell Blues

Monday, June 11, 2012


I recently mentioned that life is short. It is. Life is also incredibly unfair. I have spent enough hours in hospitals, Alzheimer's wards, and nursing homes to know that death is incredibly unfair too. If you have been spared the pain of waiting days, weeks, or years for someone whose quality of life is completely gone to die, then I know you are blessed.

I first learned that both life and death are unfair when I was 30 years old. My chosen brother, my friend, Scotty, did not reach his 30th birthday. The ravages of diabetes took him from his family, friends and from me. That sucked. It was not natural. He was young and had so much talent, heart and humanity. I had lost all but one grand parent by then. I loved them. They were old. They died. That made perfect sense. But losing my friend, my very young friend was devastating. If you still have all of your chosen friends, the ones you cherish, I know you are blessed.

As a society we have life and living, death and dying all messed up. Somewhere in time we got societal priorities completely out of balance. I know we need to refocus.

Life should not be our focus. Living should be our focus. There is a difference. Life is about statistics, accomplishments, expectations, milestones. Living is about learning, doing, focusing, creating, sharing, being. We have long judged people by where they live, where they were schooled, how much money they have. We are groomed to want the facades of success so we can be judged. We should judge people by their wisdom, talent, kindness, fairness and compassion. Their capacity to give love, receive love, share bounty and ease burdens. I know living is more important than life.

Death is something we should embrace, not fear. Dying should be as short as possible. Not for those left to grieve but for those who must do the dying. We keep people alive who have no cognitive ability. We give them medications for high blood pressure, diabetes, high cholesterol and heart disease when they can no longer maintain their own most basic needs. We try to avoid death at all costs. Death is coming. It can come in an instant. It can take years. I do not know who will experience death next or who will be the last person on earth. I know not one of us will avoid death.

People keep themselves alive with painful, debilitating poison for as long as possible. They have surgeries and experimental treatments to stay here just a little longer. They postpone the inevitable. I understand this choice. It's best for loved ones. The dying want to be here for those life milestones. However, even if it takes a decade, watching someone die hurts. When they do die there is still pain. All their efforts to live may be worthwhile but it does not take away the unavoidable loss through death. I know death comes whether you are ready or not.

Now I am facing another loss. One of my chosen sisters, my friend is going to die. As I struggle to understand I realize I cannot imagine living without her. Yet I probably will. I will miss her like an addict misses their substance. I want to share more living with her. I need her wisdom, humor, honesty and her love. She is one of my rocks. She doesn't judge yet she doesn't suffer fools. She has every single quality of a chosen sister. She has raised an amazing daughter, shared a marriage with a wonderful man for 30 plus years and makes everyone feel like family. My wish for her family and friends is that we have her forever. My wish for her is that she not suffer and feels how much she is loved. She is cherished by many because her capacity for love is immeasurable. I know her next journey will reflect all the love she has given and received.

Live every day like it is your best friend's last. Try to remove selfishness from all aspects of your living. Try not to judge. Try not to be malicious, hateful or angry. Give of yourself without being taken. Love like it won't hurt. Forgive those who are not perfect. Including yourself.

I know this would make for a better world.

You're welcome,

Saturday, June 2, 2012


In the past few weeks I have learned much about life and death. The emotional ups and downs are grueling. The peace is beautiful. There is just not enough time on earth to be with people we love. The process of losing a loved one varies from sudden, unexpected death to the long, slow goodbye. The end result is the same. Life changes just a bit in that final moment. The best thing that comes with death is clarity. Nothing matters except the people we love. That's it. One simple fact.

No one should waste time hating or judging any other human. We should all look for the good and the potential in others. We should all help when we can, forgive when we can and lift up those around us. Life is short even when people live to an old age. Help your fellow man. Strengthen the bonds with people in your life because someday you have to say goodbye and then it is too late to show remorse or seek forgiveness.

Losing a loved one is losing part of yourself, your history and your heart. The pain can be unbearable but we all must go on. The world should stop just a little when a loved one dies. It is a remarkable experience to watch common, everyday occurrences around you when your world is upside down. You want to crawl into your bed and stay until the pain and the sadness is gone. However, that is not how life or death works. Life is for the living so we get up and carry on. Death is the peace at the end of life and that peace is for all eternity.

Knowing someone is going to die makes saying goodbye much better. There is an honesty and realization of the love that exists between people. There is such clarity and the person who will die can make their peace, say goodbye and come to grips with the end of their time on this earth. The knowledge does not make losing them easier but being able to say that last goodbye, have those last laughs and sharing joy makes the dying process so loving and kind.

We should all live like this is our last day. Show love, kindness, forgiveness, remorse, forge bonds and alliances. Make someone else happy. Do things for them you may not want to do. It could be the last time you can show your love for them.

Our world and our lives are usually about, "me, me, me". Work hard to make life about those you love. Take nothing for granted. Appreciate every day. Do for and unto others as you would have them do for you. Love is all you need.

You're welcome,

Thursday, March 1, 2012


At any hour of the day or night we can find hate and spewage to support any belief or leaning. Well funded, well developed half truths, falsehoods and propaganda permeate the airwaves. Turn on any form of media and it is right in your face. "Women who use contraceptives are sluts", "Obama keeps raising the price of gas", "your guns are in danger of being confiscated", "America is in danger of losing religious freedom", "if we lose this lizard every species on earth will vanish", "republicans are the spawn of the devil", "democrats are closeted fascists", "the Illuminati secretly runs everything", "aliens are waiting to take over earth", "Elvis is not dead", etc.

If all the hell had rained on us as promised by pundits over the course of my lifetime we would have anarchy and famine from sea to shining sea. Most of the people in our nation are intelligent and able to think for themselves. So why listen to people spread lies? People who opine offer validation, not information. I have heard many different people say the exact same phrases about what is wrong with America. These people have one thing in common. They listen to Rush Limbaugh and watch Fox News. I have not noticed this parroting among other network's viewers.  I had a long time friend scream at me in public once  about something the Democrats voted for as though I have control over Nancy Pelosi. I have seen people come to physical blows over whether or not Obama is a citizen. I know people who are very afraid that the United Nations is getting ready to round up their guns. I have read posts on social networking sites wishing other posters death, to get raped by Satan and/or get cancer for their political beliefs. This behavior has gone from shocking to funny to pathetic. It's time to take a stand and say enough. Reach way back in time, before we were surrounded by opiners and reach for your common sense.

The founding fathers of this nation were very familiar with tyranny, government unfairness and intrusion. The Constitution is the result of their collective experiences. The purpose of this amazing document is to maintain the balance of power in the nation and to provide all citizens with identical rights and opportunities. No King, no national religion, no defined social classes and a right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. Authors of the Constitution were forward thinking enough to allow for amending this document as necessary to meet the future needs of the Republic. For more than 200 hundred years their plan has worked quite well. The document has added amendments only by ratification of individual states.

Free speech is a right handed to our citizens. However, free speech does not mean speaking the truth. Free speech is the right to speak your mind even if you are a hate monger or a scam artist. Free will is the ability to believe or not believe what you hear. We are fortunate to live in a country where you don't have to worship the right God in the right way. You don't have to agree with the government or find yourself imprisoned. You don't have to vote for a certain political faction or soldiers come in the middle of the night to kill the men and rape the women.

Our fortune continues by living in a country where we can elect our leaders and not live under those who inherit or are handed power. This nation has prospered and failed under good and bad presidents.  It has prospered and failed under good and bad legislators. This nation has survived civil war and civil unrest. We have recognized our failings and tried to rectify them. Our citizens have disagreed on many critical, life changing issues and yet the Republic still stands. That is the point. We are a nation founded on freedoms of the individual citizen. We are a government of the people. We are allowed to vote for the leaders we want and if our candidate loses we are to remain law abiding citizens.

Those who spew rhetoric will use God, government, imagination, lies, hate and fear to further an agenda and earn a paycheck. That is their right. It is our right to be smart enough to recognize propaganda and exaggeration. Lately the GOP has chosen to put higher education in a bad light. Universities have been deemed a tool for liberal indoctrination and people with college degrees have been labeled elitist. The men using this rhetoric all have multiple degrees from well known universities. Logically, we should all know that college is great for some people and required for some professions. Common sense says that this issue is political drama being waved in the face of voters to divide them.

Recently, women's reproductive health has been a hot topic. Presidential hopeful, Rick Santorum, is using this issue to rally the religious right. His belief that birth control is a sin is based on his Catholic faith. Sorry, but that is the opposite of religious freedom. No one religion is recognized as the true religion in America. People are free to choose their religious beliefs or to have no faith at all. The GOP insists this women's issue is about unfairly forcing employers to pay for birth control if it is against their moral or religious beliefs. Pundit, Rush Limbaugh has started wagging the dog with absurd comments like, "If we are going to pay for women to have sex we want something in return. We want them to take videos of all this and post them so we can watch". Common sense tells me that Rush Limbaugh can always lower the civility bar, and that employers care about the bottom line more than any moral compass. Insurance that provides contraception is cheaper than maternity costs. This is a red herring flung to the masses to measure the morality of others.

In my lifetime I have known extreme liberals and extreme conservatives. Some of them are the exact same people. They voted for liberals and believed in their cause then took extreme right turns and now rail about what they used to be. And the opposite, I have seen conservatives take the left turn and hate their former selves. I have heard politicians and political operatives say that nothing is as important as their side winning. No, gentlemen and ladies, the most important thing is that the country survives and thrives. That citizens retain the freedoms granted them in our Constitution. That justice must be fair,n that citizens must not be singled out and punished for personal believes and non threatening practices. That citizens should not have to face retribution or humiliation in times of need or want. The survival of the republic is much more important than any side winning. Respecting the intent of the founding fathers and those who fought tyranny for our way of life is more important. Accepting that not every law will fit your personal needs or beliefs but meets those of other citizens is part of being an American. Working to reverse those laws as needed through our representatives is also part of being an American.
This is not the country I imagined as a child. False Gods, false patriotism and false standards are now the law of the land. We have completely lost logic and common sense. We don't need enemies as we are a nation of frenemies. Like junior high with meaner kids. When we refuse to pull together we rip ourselves apart. If we don't stop tearing at the fabric of our nation She will unravel.

Being a believer in free speech, I can't say, "take the spewers off the air". They have every right to say whatever they want. But let's not forget that we always have the power of the OFF button. Remember when there were polite rules of conversation like, "don't discuss religion or politics"?  Now we seem to have rules like, "say the most outrageous hateful, things you can to offend the largest number of people anytime, anywhere". Empires are being built on lies and hate. Our biggest enemies are no longer jihadists, they are political think tanks, media outlets and citizens willing to say anything for their own gain.

Always remember these things, no person or political party can make any changes to our Constitution on a whim, international law does not trump the law in America, free markets set the price of commodities and, most importantly, rarely is everything you hear the entire truth.

Ask yourself the following questions when considering any political issue:
"How does this issue effect me personally?"
"Who profits or benefits on this issue?"
"Can I actually do anything except vote my conscience?"

Always exercise your right to vote. It is the only act you perform that makes a difference in our political process. When your affiliated party isn't in power, maintain some dignity. When your affiliated party is in office, swallow your pride.

Every one's mom said it best, "if you can't say something nice, don't say anything at all".

You're welcome,
Lillybell Blues