Friday, August 26, 2011


Stunned every single day. We are going to die from stupid. Our own or someone else's. Stupidity never rests is normally what I call these mini-rants, however, we need a cure. I am pleading to whatever community to save us from ourselves and each other.

Pat Robertson once again has stated that God, The Alpha and The Omega, Creator of the Universe, King of Kings, is upset that we have gay people. This anger causes earthquakes. Yes indeed. Damn the gay people for raining hell on us for being what they are. Thank heaven for us that we have Pat to show us the way. The way to be stupid. Let's see mankind has been around for.....ever. Gay people have been here for.....ever. So, I see his point, clearly. God has been angry forever about the gay people that were created in his own image according to what I've read. We, that would be mortals, were created in His image. Maybe we should just go with that. He can sort all that out later about whether or not His mortals are flawed and in what ways.

Marriage is between a man and a woman. So is a divorce. I've had three. I am thinking let's just eliminate marriage as anything legal. It's a spiritual commitment so let's not bring in the law or the government. SOLVED. So easy. Everyone marry whoever you want or how many you want how often you want. Government, butt out.

The abortion question. Let's make sperm illegal. If you carry it you are suspect. If an unclaimed child is born around you, your DNA will be tested to ensure your own up to your responsibility. This solves the unborn children questions. Who will care for them? Baby daddies. Mothers have done enough. Abortion? Though I don't believe it is a birth control method, will soon be illegal because everyone is concerned about the unborn. Except the men who helped create them. Enough already. Get ready dads, here they come! Solved.

Wars. Nope. Sick of that. We will do the best four out of seven something. Like sports. Winner takes whatever they were after to begin with. Loser can demand a rematch in two years. OK. That's easy and much shorter.

There is a Republican Congressman from Second District Florida, Steve Southerland, who doesn't like his job. His $174,000 a year, with perks is not that much. He claims if you break it down to "by the hour" it is reasonable. The health care is not that good and he won't be vested for his pension for five years. WOW. I feel bad for him. OH, and he says they, Congressmen, get shot at. So do those soldiers deployed in the mid east everyday. So do citizens, stupid, every day people die at the hands of other citizens. You had security detail for your town hall meeting. Paranoid? Our health care sucks too. Although, he is not a D.C. "lifer", he is running for re election. Whiners should not apply, dude.

Rick Perry, Governor Hair, second dumbest man to ever be governor of Texas. W is first dumbest. He can't keep up with his own rants. He wanted to secede from the union cause we don't need the federal government or their money. Now her wants to run said country. Stupid. Shouldn't even be allowed. What a blowhard, and not in a good way. He can't keep up with the gay marriage question but he believes that children should be taught both creation and a little evolution, just to point out how ludicris it is.

There is a cure for everything. A pill, a surgery, an aide, a device. PLEASE, may we have one for stupid? I am starting to favor lobotomies for a certain segment of the world. That is probably wrong so if one of you pharmcos could come up with a little something to cure stupid? Of course that would cut into your profits once we learn we don't need all those products you currently sell. Some of them are live saving. Thank you. Some of them, well, it seems aspirin is still the miracle cure for so many things. Your products sometimes are miracles and then, oops, sometimes they might kill you.

Pharmcos, create the cure for stupid, then take them. I will willingly pay for some people to get a lifetime supply.

You're Welcome,
Lillybell Blues

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