Saturday, July 16, 2011


Being a baby boomer woman is difficult. We were born to be some one's wife. Our choices as girls were wife, school teacher, nurse. With luck and proper girl skills you could just be wife. By the time we graduated from college we were expected to be a super woman. Career woman, mother and maybe a wife. Balance, we had to learn how to balance everything. Juggle, we had to keep all the balls in the air and never drop one. And be pretty while doing it. And be funny and charming otherwise you get the bitch word attached to you.

Being a baby boomer man you were raised to be the king of the castle, have a great job and a doting wife and family. You wouldn't dream of chores, that would be your wife's job but you might do yard work or follow daddy's hobby or obsession. By the time you graduated college women had lost their minds and all of them would sleep with you. Somehow we women thought of this a liberating and you men thought of it as heaven.

We are all around 60 years old now. Remember when your parents were 60? They were old people, near retirement, planning for their golden years. We are trying to be cool and hang out with people less than half our age in clubs. Really? When I was in my 20's I would have found that so sad. "Look at those old dudes, what? they think we want to hang out with our parents? EW". I would have thought those old guys should go home and not humiliate themselves by trying to look cool.

I know people older than I am, not by much, who have to know, "what's goin' on this weekend?"  "I am SO excited! Friday night I plan to go to bed early and Saturday I will watch the shows I like on TV on my DVR without commercials!" Yep, that's me. I am an adult boomer.

I love live music. I need a club where I can hear it. Not have to listen over the hum of the crowd, deal with the squealing and little girls filling the dance floor. And you old dude dancers....sad, not all of you, just the vast majority. I need a club where the band hits the stage before 10:30. I need a club where I can watch the band. I can hear music at the touch of a button, I don't often get to see it.

I am not a stone. I boogie. I chair dance, meaning I can't sit still if I love the beat. Something must be moving, or swaying or air guitar might be necessary, or air drums, but mainly I want to watch, see the instruments, watch the talent. I need the band to start about 8 o'clock and be done by midnight.

I want to open a club called, "The Jam Box". It's for old musicians and adult boomers. Open mike every night. Bring your instrument and jam. Piano provided and Hammond B3 with a leslie. No one under 48 admitted. Simple drinks. No fru-fru, wink-wink named drinks, no fancy cold liqueurs,  No stage, living room style seating and a helpee selfee kitchen. Sounds like heaven. All I need is money and equipment and permits and a liquor license.

Never mind. Anybody got a basement? We'll just open it there.


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