Tuesday, July 19, 2011


Guess what? I don't like Rick Perry. Yes, I lean left. No, I am not a DEMOCRAT. I am an AMERICAN. I don't like big business because I worked for a Fortune 500 Company and watched executives get more money in bonuses that I took home. For more than 10 years. They cheat, they lie, they ask for loyalty and give little back. I also must say that my husband has worked for two Fortune 500 companies and they have been very good to him. He is a business and people wizard. People LOVE working for him because he is fair. He supports his people and rewards them. He never "rolled over" his recognition budget, when he still had one, to make his numbers look better. He took care of his people.  He has headed every department. He is the MAN, the good guy. The one who actually takes care of issues and doesn't just spout company jargon. He also works constantly to achieve everything.

Corporate America is all about "give me, give me, we are too big to fail", and then they immediately fire people. That's how they improve the bottom line. Then we whine about unemployment and the Government keeps helping the Corporations. Rick Perry oozes corporate slim. My opinion, not a scientific fact. Yet.

There is a group on FB that is against Perry and his policies. We are not a big or threatening group. We are whiners and debaters. One time during the school budget crisis we were all in a tizzy over the misinformation that Perry has used during his last campaign about his awesome fiduciary stewardship and then BOOM after he was safely back in his very expensive mansion teachers started losing their jobs. Then the abortion thing. Like women are confused by what might possibly be in their uterus. I suggested one evening in a group chat that rather than firing people the money for sports should be eliminated. It has to be the smallest segment of students who go on to be a professional football player, basketball player, etc. I was asking what percentage of the student population became professional athletes.

That was when I learned that men use the word "cunt" liberally. We had a group discussion about language and name calling. It was decided that if you were educated and knew words with more than four letters then you could participate. Otherwise go find a different f*ing group, so to speak.

This is an open group and a new lady joined yesterday. She introduced herself by saying she was new to Texas and supported Ron Paul but would stand against Perry. That poor lady. People went crazy. They weren't friendly Texans at all. One member advised this lady that anyone other than a Democrat should fuck off and that Ron Paul is a douche bag. One dude seemed very dedicated to using the word douche bag as if maybe he had just learned how to spell it. I was tempted to ask him to please give me the number to his charm school but that seemed low. I will probably do it later. No, I won't. That would put me on his level and it seems sleazy there. Then I met his counterpart, this girl from San Antonio who apparently hasn't learned fuckityfuck yet. Beginning to see what the husband means, it does seems repetitious when it is every other word in a sentence.

Really? Texans have we come to this? Democrats have we come to this?

Isn't that Tea Party territory? The "holier than thou" spot? The, "we know what is best and if you don't agree you are a fascist" territory?

I keep saying I am going to leave this hot hell hole. I have never really meant it. Texas is home. Texas is where I used to be proud to be from. Now it is that bible thumping, gun waving, death penalty loving, ruled by a zealot kingdom. It's too much traffic and too many people caught up in me, me, me. We have no freedom here except to drink and carry guns. Together. And now on campus. Send those little freshman off to school armed. Those frat parties should get real interesting. Binge drinking makes people so reasonable.

If I were drenched in money I would move to Hawaii and Alaska. Hawaii is paradise but too constant. Alaska is pristine and wild but it's full of Palin's. Those people elected Governor Barbie. What were they thinking? I mean drinking, they weren't thinking. I have heard that if you live in Alaska you are either a hunter, not. A fisherman, not. Or a drunk, not. Outdoors are to look at and to marvel at before and after you find the bathroom. I'm a girl. I have always said that if I were a pioneer woman and my choices were farm wife, school ma'rm or whore, I'd be upstairs in my corset with a fan. Obviously I would need homes in both places.

Don't see being drenched in money anytime soon so I guess I am stuck for now. Some day I will live in a place where people are friendly and the weather is gorgeous. Where there are lots of things to do with just enough people to make it fun and not crowded. I probably won't fit in.

 As always, in need of an attitude adjustment.

You're welcome?
Lillybell Blues

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