Thursday, July 14, 2011


Just in case my parents do not receive their social security check in August I wanted to give you a few tips on the special care they need. I will be bringing them to Washington D.C. so you can care for them. I think all of us with aging parents should do the same thing. We will just wheel our parents out on the mall to make it easier for you to feed, bathe and dress them.

My father worked for more than 35 years and saved diligently for his retirement. So far with the special needs they have developed they are spending about $150,000 annually. They can live four more years. Much like your political careers. OH, my father also served in World War II. I realize this doesn't count much anymore. Remember every morning when you aren't speaking German you owe that to my dad and others like him. OH, and if you are Jewish you might not be here at all thanks to this generation. OH, he also paid his taxes since....forever.

Anyway, back to their care. Mother has to be fed. She does not like this much but just keep after her and she will eventually have a bite. When she yells at you to go to hell remember it's the dementia talking. She also hates having a bath but three times a week you must bathe her. She has IBS so she has dirty diapers frequently. You must change those asap so she doesn't get skin rashes. She can't tell you what is wrong or what hurts or what she would like to do because her brain is dying. Just watch her 24/7.

Dad is the challenge. He has lost his short term memory but knows everything else on earth. He also has problems with depression and occasionally gets over or under medicated and has been known to break windows with his fists. He also is VERY talented and must have his piano. A six foot grand. Ya'll have those right? Don't let him go anywhere by himself, he will never get back to where you are. Do Not let him wander into a bar. He cannot have alcohol. VERY IMPORTANT. Also, he hates to shower, wash his hair or change his clothes. Be prepared to argue over this and chase him to make him accomplish these tasks.

My parents have been married 66 years and cannot be apart so do not separate them. Dad becomes angry and mom cries. Dad cannot remember that mother has end stage dementia so he frequently pulls her up by her arms to make her stand. She can't. She falls and he trips on her trying to get her up. It takes several people to get them both off the floor.

There are many dietary restrictions that I will pin to their shirts. Also they need about 20 or so prescriptions between them. Mom won't take hers so you have to crush them, put them yogurt and force feed her. Dad will just argue with you about why he doesn't take pills. He can't remember he does.

Please keep them occupied, think of things for them to do without tying them to beds. Mom needs someone to explain what shoes are for everyday. Dad needs to play a trivia game everyday. They cannot operate a TV or phone so please help them with all technology developed after 1960. Dad can be occupied with a slide rule but he will give you a math lesson. Mom just needs someone at her side while she is awake.

All their financial issues I will handle. I can not pay their bills just like you.

Thanks so much for being such good stewards of our nation. Thanks for being concerned about the generations not yet born instead of those living. Thanks for taking money out of the pockets of the elderly. Thanks for taking on those HUGE national issues like steroid use in baseball and light bulbs. Thanks for helping those World Wide Corporations use those tax incentives to create jobs for natives of other nations. Maybe those death panel things aren't such a bad idea. I would rather my parents go quickly than suffer slowly. I am also thankful for the first time since they became ill that they don't know how badly their government is screwing them. It would break my dad's heart. He's always been a Republican.

You're Welcome,
Lillybell Blues

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