Anyone have a time machine I could borrow? I need to go back to the forming of this nation and see what those guys really had in mind. Pretty sure every one is off track. Don't think colonists stood up to the most powerful military on earth, their own government, to fight for their political party. Based on everything I read in the paper and see on the TeeVee our Congress seems to think PARTY is what they are there for. Capture the base, get your colleagues in line. Yes, please get them all in lock step. America was not founded on free thinking.
I thought, silly me, that the Colonists stood up to their government and said: "We have no representation. You can tax us and we have no one there to say, 'wait, you can't tax the poor to death', we won't pay no stinking taxes". Then the government said something about praying to the correct God and the Colonists said, "WAIT, how do you know what GOD wants or even that you are worshipping the RIGHT God? Some of us would like to practice our religion a little differently". Then there were some arrests and fighting. The government sent soldiers to live in people's homes and took away their ability to militia and manufacture arms. Then the colonists said, "keep your hands off of our militias. It's how we defend ourselves and really, you are the enemy so we want to use them to fire at you". Then the government said, "OH YEAH?", would like to step outside and settle this like gentlemen?" And the colonists said, "no, we would like to KICK YOUR ASS".
Some of the colonists were like, "shhhhhh, don't make the government mad. The government knows best, after all we are loyal subjects. Pass the gruel please". But the rabble rousers said, "screw the government. no one is going to tax MY tea, I am not supporting any government that sticks it's hands in my pocket so they can live like, well Royalty. NO, I don't want to use MY meager earnings to solve THEIR financial issues. Let's kill 'em". Then someone said, "wait, we don't have a military...what are we gonna do?" So they sent rich, smart, powerful men to foreign countries who said, "please, sirs, we would like to get the hell away from the British but we have no country, money, military...may we please have some of yours?" And the French said. "Pardon mois but YOU ARE BRITISH and are dirt under our feet". And the men said, "WAIT...we WANT to be a country, allies with you...and you got some hot chicks here". The French blew some fine colony grown tobacco into their faces and said, "prove you are worthy, we like killing the British too. We can talk later, we have some peasants to oppress".
There was a war. The Continental Congress wrote some outlines about how freakin' free we were gonna be. The government would not be telling it's citizens what to do, how to worship and there would be militias. And happiness. And the right to live as you choose and not answer to someone who is appointed as your Master by tradition and bloodline. The French said, "we like your spunk and this tobacco rocks, we will send some ships and money, however, please don't say anything to our peasants...we need some fancy new shiny pants".
Then we were AMERICA. Then we started government. Then political parties. Then the government became two distinct and separate gangs of knuckleheads. Each side knows everything and they are correct. YOU are stoooopid and foolish to believe what "those guys" say. THEY RUINED THIS NATION WITH THEIR for me.
HA! screams the opposition, WE know what is best, YOU RUINED THIS NATION you sorry, stupid colleague whom I admire very much. WE ARE IN POWER so you guys do it our way for a for me.
YEAH, just wait. WE WILL TAKE THE HOUSE AND THE WHITE HOUSE and then what you gonna do? for me.
Then the citizens all got behind their party and said, "THAT'S RIGHT, you progressive, socialist stupid middle class people. WE have the money, WE know what is best and by the way, YOU don't worship GOD in the right way. HE CHOSE our candidate to be in office, that's right GOD picked our guy. What you got?
OH BROTHER, did not know you owned the right to GOD and what do we have? Compassion. Common Sense....OK, not all the time sometimes we throw money away because we don't how to stop a program that is useless now BUT we have the PEOPLE at heart.
Please, can we try American? Please, government, shut up until you accomplish something.
We won't hear from you for a long time.
Thank you in advance,
Lillybell Blues
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