Monday, July 18, 2011


Cannot believe I am not ruling the world yet. This may explain so many things in my life. I either know nothing about a subject or I am convinced I am correct. How do so many people miss this?

With all the hoopla in my house the last few noisy weeks I have not even attempted to watch the news. What a blessing. Then this morning I was waiting and waiting on various people, watching the TeeVee, and discovered NO ONE is taking my advice.

The government apparently hasn't figured out that I have answers here. They also haven't figured out that I am still not satisfied with their nannie nannie boo boo games. My parents are not going to enjoy their trip to D.C. for the Aging Care Facility Rally on The Mall, but oh well, I tried.

The media still has not shut up about Casey Anthony. Where is she? Don't care. This morning there were people at the site where they found Caylee's body. They didn't have closure. REALLY? Do you know these people personally or do you just have no life? One man advised the reporter that Casey would receive her justice from The Lord. Another person speaking for The Lord. She had her justice. She was found NOT guilty but the media disagrees. LEECHES, I say. They are LEECHES.

Which brings me to the only good news. Rupert Murdoch is finally having some issues. People have finally figured out he is the KING LEECH with his own agenda. Wonder how he likes being on the receiving end?, (insert joke here). Wonder when we will see the shot of him shooing away reporters because he wants his privacy? Wonder if Fox's News will have to fire any spin doctors?

Bad news. Glen Beck is moving here? What did we do to deserve that? Is he going to start a community of wannabe actors who just emote drivel? Will O'Reilly be here too? This is not a good time to put my house on the market but I do have standards. Quit laughing. Really, I do.

Don't misunderstand. I don't want Chris Matthews or Rachel Maddow moving here either. So tired of the tit for tat, we're good you're bad and we are all unbiased story. Tired of people's opinion, except mine, and watching people almost burst from who said what. No one is that important.

That applies to me. If you don't like what I say, really don't read it. There will not be that Clockwork Orange toothpick moment. Feel free to avert your eyes. Feel free to debate. Feel free to say I am wrong. Sometimes I even agree with you. Sometimes I am wrong.

Still, Lillybell's world would be nice. Peace and love and butterflies and bunnies. People of the world holding hands and singing....I don't know, what song would we all know? OK, people of the world all humming in harmony.  Fellow man helping fellow man.  No hatred, no killings, no crime, no reality. I am so happy in my little pretend land of Lillybell. There would also be that Camelot weather deal. Not too hot, not too cold, snow when you want it, rain you need it, sunshine for those lusty days, cool darkness for the sadness. Gentle rain for the cuddle, hard rain for the cleansing.

Oh well, back to reality. Going to water my dying plants because they expect it and I love watching the fruits of my labor wilt.

Lillybell Blues

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