Monday, July 11, 2011


I find myself more stunned everyday that we are putting up with our government. I try to be fair and listen to both sides of the aisle which unfortunately seems to be the actual continental divide. All I hear is drivel. I lean to the left. Sometimes I lean so far left I fall down. I am all for fiscal conservatism so I listen to the republicans to see if they make sense yet. They don't.

I suggest that every member of Congress work as an intern at a major corporation during your next break. I would say summer break but let's face it, you will be in Washington all summer because you kids don't play nice. Maybe you just don't know what goes on behind those glass walls. Maybe you really think that tax breaks create jobs. If that were the case wouldn't we have jobs? Wouldn't they be creating jobs right and left? After all they HAVE tax breaks. The major percentage of the jobs created seem to be overseas. That IS NOT creating jobs for Americans. So why should we worry about their tax issues?

Corporate America is now Corporate World. Bottom line, they only care about the bottom line. Not the country that continues to dole out breaks and favors. It you must give them tax breaks tie something to them. LIKE ACTUAL JOBS IN THIS COUNTRY!

Government: Here is the deal: Rich people can afford to pay more taxes. My family pays more than 30 percent of our income to this nation so when I hear about how wrong it would be to ask millionaires to pay more money I want to hurl. That means vomit for those of you Ivy League educated morons. People in the nation are choosing between food and rent, utility bills and gas, medications and clothing. Rich people are choosing between a Gulfstream and a Lear Jet. A Rolls and a Bentley.

Some of the highest earners among us are pouting because they cannot decide how to divide their billions of dollars. I am talking NFL and NBA here. Spoiled, rich, BOYS playing games and their owners just can't agree on who should have the most and the biggest toys. These people aren't suffering without their paychecks. I am sitting here listening to a news story about an NBA player paying $300,000 to remarry his wife. HELLO? I would feel SO BAD if he had to pay more to the government. Congress, if this doesn't give you some idea of how rich people don't suffer you aren't paying attention. There are individuals in this country whose personal wealth is bigger than the coffers of some nations. I believe they can pay more taxes. I think they are unAmerican for NOT wanting to support this nation in it's time of need.

And here is the biggest secret of all. The one that escapes you. The one that just floats over your head. CORPORATIONS ALWAYS PASS ON TO THE CONSUMER ANYTHING THAT RAISES THEIR OPERATING COSTS. So if they have a higher tax burden WE actually pay that for them. I am willing to hack up even more money to buy gas if Exxon Mobil will hack up a few more millions in taxes.

All you good ol' boys in the GOP have put on a sufficient show. You've fought for the rich. How noble. You should be able to go to your country clubs and hold your heads high that you tried so hard for your peers to stay as rich as they are, you just couldn't fight the angry masses. That's right. Angry masses. I can see VW buses full of people marching on Washington in the fall. Yelling "STOOOOPID" at you there in your hallowed halls. Thomas Jefferson said the government should be overthrown every 20 years. I'm ready. Where is Wavy Gravy? He can lead our Merry Band of Anger.

Here is a hint: RAISE TAXES, incentivize Corporations to create jobs with HUGE fines if they send jobs to other nations. PAY OFF OUR DEBT. THEN REEVALUATE THE TAX CODE. Create an environment where we actually produce products HERE in America. We only sell service and buy consumer goods. There is going to have to be compromise between all factions in this nation. Refuse to grant government contracts to corporations who send their jobs overseas. Refuse to talk to Customer Service in Manila about your office equipment. These Corporations have gotten filthy rich off this nation with all the perks granted by the government. These Corporations are loyal to themselves and their profits. If there were loyal to American they would keep jobs here. Executives seem to be able to whine in front of Congress about how hard their corporate problems are. I haven't been invited to speak before Congress about the difficulty my tax burden creates. Of course, I cannot afford the trip.

Corporations don't want to build here because of all the environmental regulations. Look at California. Tree huggers will have a fit if we reduce any of the standards already in place. Something has to give. We would all like to live in beautiful meadows with bunnies and butterflies in our beautiful homes while filling our bellies with delicious food and singing Kumbya. Industry would like no regulations so they can create products as cheaply as possible regardless of whether or not they poison the air of the water. They would pay paltry wages and offer no benefits if they could get away with it. COMPROMISE!

MERCY, I bet the founding fathers wonder every day what on earth they have wrought. Our founding fathers stood up to the most powerful nation on earth and said NO! They FOUGHT for their personal freedom and rights NOT the rights of Corporate World. Not for the Upper Classes. Suggested reading: as always, The Constitution and then Google: The French Revolution and The Fall of Rome. See if that doesn't make you sweat.

GROW UP. ACT LIKE ADULTS. By the by, if you walked out of meetings in the private sector that action would be noted in your file. It would be mentioned in your annual review and noted as a reason why you aren't earning your 1 percent increase in pay. YEAH, private sector doesn't get to VOTE for raises.

You're Welcome,
Lillybell Blues

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