Saturday, July 2, 2011


I guess it is the Casey Anthony trial that made it crystal clear to me that O.J. Simpson did indeed ruin the justice system. His trial became entertainment not an exercise in the good old American Justice System. His attorneys became famous, some of their off-spring became famous. Some of them have TV shows. The prosecutors became infamous for asking him to put on the gloves. Really? I have read enough legal thrillers to know you never ask a question you do not know the answer to in court. Maybe instead of law school students should just read, Garner and Grisham and Turrow.
As an aside to the media: the "Bronco Chase" that captivated the country was the only thing on television. Somehow media thinks it is interesting to watch a car chase. Even a slow one.

Now the legal system, like everything else, is a spectator sport. Experts in the field are hired by networks to explain to us what the reporters at the trial have just told us. They tell us what the attorneys are doing, the strategy, the possible outcome. REALLY? I just watched three experts and what a surprise: one thinks Casey Anthony will be found guilty, one thinks there will be a hung jury and the other just couldn't say one way or the other. WOW, I hope these people get paid a lot for their expertise.

I unfortunately didn't change the channel in time the other evening and on one of the Entertainment News, (hard to believe there is such a thing), programs was at the trial covering all the crying. Dead children are not entertainment. Their grieving relatives are not entertainment either. It is difficult to conceive of such bad taste. Jon Benet Ramsey is the poster child for dead girls because she is the prettiest and they have that tape of her at the pageant where she sings and dances. Don't you feel slightly creepy when you ask someone, "How does it feel to have a family member brutally murdered?" Are you expecting, "Why just fine, thank you for asking. We could hardly wait until she was beaten and cut into pieces. Thank God they found all the body parts."?

Seriously, instead of people's morbid curiosity being the engine of your business why don't you try a little decorum and good taste? There are many celebrities and wannabes who misbehave and LOVE the attention. It is almost as if they act like fools to have attention. Give it to them, please. Or is "must have no empathy or understanding of the word considerate" part of the "infotainment" creed?

I notice that Maria Shriver is not getting hounded and followed everywhere she goes. Katie Couric wasn't asked how it felt to have her young husband die and leave her with two children to raise alone. Do you not feed on your own? Is that the creed?

I suggest the Golden Rule. Do unto remember that one?

You're Welcome,
Lillybell Blues

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