I respect the Constitution and I try hard to obey the laws of this nation. Even the stupid ones. OK, I have a few laws I don't exactly adhere to but on a scale I would weigh heavy on the patriot side. That is why I hesitate to say how much I hate guns. I do hate them. Handguns anyway. They are killing machines good for nothing but shooting at people. Maybe a coyote if you are Governor of Texas. Maybe rats by some river if you are a hobo but mainly they are little machines designed to send a projectile through human flesh.
This might be a good time to mention I don't understand hunting either. Not sure what makes hunting a sport. Seems to me that if the deer, elk or other creature was also armed that would be a sport. Don't know how it makes one feel skilled or successful using a high powered scope equipped gun to kill an animal whose only defense is a set of antlers. It isn't like early settlers or Native Americans who had to track and kill an animal for food, sometimes limited to a bow and arrow. But, hey, if you want to pack up a vehicle with guns and beer, throw out some deer corn then sit and wait to shoot a hungry animal...well, whatever floats your boat.
However, when it comes to my own species, I don't want to die because you are having a bad day and decide to shoot up a Luby's or a school or a work place. I don't care to be threatened with a weapon so you can help yourself to my husband's hard earned money. As a woman, I don't want to be over powered and raped at gunpoint.
Therefore I am going to become even more American and buy a handgun.
I will not be keeping my gun in a safe or a drawer or my car or my purse. I will be wearing it in a holster on my hip. Hell, if we are all going to be armed, let's all show it up front. Maybe we will become American and civilized enough to scare the crap out of each other and reduce the number of senseless deaths. Maybe that will work. Maybe people won't die because someone else wants their money or their car or property. Maybe women won't get raped because they can just blow away the rapist's penis...then kill him.
I see a future here. A future where we are all equally dangerous and threatening. What a great way for society to live. Let's all show off our weapons. Maybe we could even have old fashioned shoot outs in the streets. That would save us all a lot of money in court costs and incarceration.
It would be so sad to live in a country where people cannot be armed. A place where guns aren't sold. Where people would have to kill you up close with a knife or strangle you. Citizens wouldn't have to be concerned about the person next to them. Are they crazy? And armed? Is that guy coming towards me because he has a question or because he wants to stick and gun in my ribs and demand anything he wants?
I would hate for this nation to live without that kind of worry.
Thank you, NRA, for always standing up for the rights of murderers and killers. Ensuring that we can all have weapons more powerful and dangerous than most police departments issue. Ensuring hollow point bullets and whatever other little killing projectiles stay legal. Lobbying for semi automatic and automatic weapons to be legal so lots of people can die at once, thank you.
"Guns don't kill people, people with guns kill people." Isn't that your slogan? Close enough.
Don't suppose you could find another right to stand up for?
You're welcome,
Lillybell Blues
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