Dear God,
Although I am long dead and buried in my grave I still feel the need to call on Thee to help the nation I helped found. Lord, man has made another mess of a brilliant concept. They have taken a great foundation and built a huge lean-to instead of a sturdy monument. Why does greed and stupidity always win? Why does the worst in man's nature always win over the needs of the nation I, we, envisioned?
Heavenly Father, I ask for your forgiveness in our belief that women and slaves were lesser citizens. In my time on the earth, we never considered educating them. Women and the Negro, no The Black citizens have certainly proved their worth and equality. White man was not/is not superior, Lord. We were so shortsighted. We failed them in my day, Lord. I beg Thy forgiveness.
My soul is restless, Lord, I can barely watch what has become of the vision we Founding Fathers held. The fundamental idea was that citizens be free. That they be governed and judged by peers. What the generations who followed have created is an abomination.
We, the Founding Fathers and citizens who bled and died to create greatness, are heart broken at how they use our words to prove what we meant when we said, the pursuit of happiness, liberty, the right to bear arms, freedom of worship, virtually every phrase they misunderstand. They twist the words. MY words, Lord guided by Thee, and make them pliable to fit their platform. I envisioned it the other way around.
We did not want a King, Lord. As Presidents, we wanted great visionaries, men, and now women, of honor and upstanding character to lead. We wanted citizens to take turns in writing the laws and legislation to keep people free. We never envisioned a body of professional politicians. We never envisioned that the same people sit on the highest court in the land for their lives. We learned as SUBJECTS that you need fresh ideas and new thinkers to maintain freedom. Otherwise people acquire too much power. They become enamored with their own level of importance. This leads to greed and corruption. It was our vision that legislators merely be servants of the people for a short period of time and then lead lives as ordinary citizens.
Lord, what is this "base" they speak of? Why are the leaders today concerned about daily poll numbers and making this "base" content. The "base" is not the citizenry it is a segment of the population. We wanted leaders for ALL citizens.
As you know, Lord, John Adams' soul will never rest. His beloved practice of law. Fairness for all men, by their peers. Swift but fair justice. His soul cries into the void.
Heavenly Father, we gave the citizens a way to revolution without blood shed. We gave them a way to rid themselves or leaders who have not proven their worth. They don't have to fight and revolution in the street, yet. They just need to VOTE. The vast majority of citizens are too self involved or lazy to even do that.
Guide them, Lord. We tried. We thought we had left them heaven on earth. What they created is a nation of greed, corruption, and fear. Americans seem to have no concern for human life or their fellow man. I do not feel that disgust if too strong a word to describe how I feel about MY nation. Yes, Lord, we who created it claim it. We would like another chance but it is up to this generation now to set the nation on the course we envisioned. Guide them.
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