Tuesday, August 2, 2011


Dear God,

I am asking for your guidance and help with a very difficult task. I have been asked to compose a document addressed to the most powerful nation on earth telling them that we want independence from their rule. Yes, Lord, I know that we were born to be subjects of a King, but that is not working out for the common man. Or even the rich man like myself. Please, Lord give me words of fairness and reason. For that is what we see for this new nation. One, under God. We also believe, Lord, that You and not man should tell us how to worship. We have some different ideas here on the continent. We do not want to practice Your teachings based on how a governing body of men say we must.

We want men to be free. To choose how to live, where to live, to pursue dreams. To reach the limits of their abilities not their class. Why should a man farm if he can be a merchant? Or if a man wants to farm, why should he not own his land?

We are confused about women and slaves.

Women, of course, cannot think on a critical level as men can. They should not have a say in government. That we all agree on. Except for John Adams who leans on his wife for her opinion like a weakling.

However, some think that the slaves should be free. We are divided here, Lord. I personally plan on freeing my slaves after I am dead. I need them now Lord. The Northerners among us believe that these creatures are men and should be treated as such. I admit, Lord, I admire some of these humans of a different color very much but equality for a different race? We agreed to disagree. We work on the assumption that the slavery issue with be resolved in a few generations without much fanfare. For now each state, we will be states not colonies, can decide for themselves.

We envision states reaching from one end of the continent to the other. We have heathens between us and the end of the continent but we are going to teach them our ways. They worship the earth, Lord. They speak of a Great Father and a Mother Earth. We can move them out of our way though. We feel certain they will assimilate to the white man's ways or we will find them small plots of land where they can practice there pagan ways. We white men recognize our superiority to all different from ourselves. The Kings of Britain got that correct and it is a lesson we learned well.

States will be able to govern themselves. That is critical. Like minded communities with common needs and desires can gather and build states, create their own laws and social mores. They will have the right by vote to determine the will of the people.

We see a need for a Federal Government to oversee the best interests of the nation as a whole. Commerce of course drives this. Certain things must be common. It is a delicate balance, Lord.  I need guidance. I call on Thee to guide my pen.

I pray, Lord, Creator or all things, that in a few hundred years a nation will stand on this firmament. A nation of reasonable, intelligent men. Free men of free will. Men of vision. Men who have taken the foundation we gave them and made a great union stand. Men who were willing to step in for a small portion of their lives to be servants . To steer this mighty nation we dream of, men who govern fairly for all people. Not a King, Not an entity.

I don't ask, Lord, that these men give their lives to be stewards. Just some time to see that laws are fair and all men are considered under those laws. Besides, Lord, history has proven that power corrupts. We do not need corrupt hearts. We need visionaries and men of compromise.

We do not want war, Lord. But we do not believe that we can achieve our dream without life blood spilling. We will have to take the lives You have given. We will have to offer our own. We shall. For what is life without one's free will? It is enslavement of thought. It is enslavement of spirit.

I beg thee, Lord. Give me the words. The simple yet beautiful words to say to a man who holds himself on Thy level that men have been given rights by You. The rights of dignity and free thought. We hold those rights above all laws made by man.

We lay this foundation for the generations to follow. To plant the seed for future men to accomplish great things. Without oppression. Without repression. Without government interference. Freedom is life, Lord. The histories of all lands have tales of those who gave their lives to be free. Stand with us, I beseech Thee.


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