The current issue of French Vogue features 10 year old model or models. All tarted up and ready to be sold to the highest bidder as a virgin? Will the next issue feature 10 year old boys, shirtless and sucking a peppermint stick?
Remember when Jon Benet was murdered? Such a beautiful little girl. Especially in hair and make up. Dancing and shaking her little body to be a beauty queen. She was how old, 6? Suddenly little girls in pageants were everywhere. All over TeeVee. Tiaras and Toddlers. Will there be Child Prostitution Ring reality TeeVee show? Are girls destined to be sex objects from birth? Will little boys be strutted out as underwear models?
How did this generation get here? I am stunned everyday that the generation I grew up with went radical in ways I never imagined. In young womanhood we all supported the ERA. We wanted equal rights, equal pay. We wanted to be seen as more than tits and ass. Look good, don't open your mouth that was our mother's generation.
Not my generation of women. We opened our mouths and our bodies like that would set us free. It didn't. It made many of us single mothers. Those men/boys just weren't ready to be dads. Poor them. We wanted our daughters to be smart, educated, business capable. We wanted them to have the respect of their peers, male and female. We wanted our daughters to be respected for their abilities.
Then something happened and now little girls look like what my grand mother would call strumpets. I see groups of little girls out with mommy getting their nails done. Their bodies barely covered. Butt cheeks hanging out of shorts. Make up on girls younger than 10.
High school girls have babies like it is getting a puppy. I have seen mobs of high school girls with their strollers at the mall. When I was in high school pregnancy was the worst thing that could happen to you. In many places you got kicked out of school. Now there are schools with parenting classes for the young mothers in the school. WHAT?
Women in movies and on television engage in sex with each other like it is common place. Madonna, who apparently thinks sexuality is her invention, Bimbo Spears and Christina Almost Naked, all exchanged a little tongue on an MTV awards show. Really? Hey, ladies, do we want to kiss one another that badly? Speaking for myself, and I love some of you, hell no. Do you think straight men would stand up on TV and french kiss for the shock or the thrill? NO. They have self respect. And they would be heckled for being idiots.
Not we women, we lick and shake anything on TV, videos, movies. Women having sex with women is comedy, it's drama, it's common place. Men having sex with men ala Brokeback Mountain made men pucker. Some wanted to see the movie, sorta, others wouldn't DARE watch "fag" sex.
Recently at a club with live music I saw the saddest things. Women my age, that's old, dancing the hoochie coo by themselves to impress band members young enough to be their children. Young women grinding on one another while making sure they were getting lots of attention and old men masturbating at certain tables I think. MAYBE NOT. It was hedonistic. Hetero couples all but conceived on the dance floor. Um, get a room? Get a car? Get out of my line of vision. Women took pictures of themselves with their cell phones on the dance floor to prove they looked stupid. I was not shocked. I was sickened. Ladies....f*ing GROW UP.
Ladies, if like me you have close personal male friends, you know that they think nothing is greater than women being easy, stupid, wild and willing. They talk about it all the time. Graphically. I know things about some women I really wish I had never heard. I know men who still talk about the chicks they nailed in high school and the lovely names they still call them. These men are 60ish. I have heard men say, "once you nail 'em they're yours whenever you want 'em." I wish that wasn't true. It is. We have all done that, "thanks for calling right at bedtime, of course, come on by". HE LOVES ME! I have known women who would drive many, many miles in the middle of the night because they got the call. HE LOVED THEM.
I have a close personal male friend who has plans. Plan A is the current "girlfriend". Plan B is the girl he is schmoozing for when he tires of Plan A. Plan C is the one he always keeps dangling, just in case. And Plan D is his ex-wife. "How disgusting", most of you are thinking. I hope. However, at least he is honest with himself about what he is doing. He makes no excuses for this behavior. "All men do it, they just aren't as honest as I am about it".
OK, we are adults. If we want to behave like we are still figuring out where babies come from, OK. These children they are painting and posing should have adult parents. But no, one of the little tart's mothers in the French Vogue issue said she was, "surprised the jewelry her daughter wore was worth hundreds of thousands Euros". She said it in French I am sure and sneered at the questioner.
Pretty soon baby girls will be made up and dressed like baby tarts before they are put on display in the hospital. Diapers will be form fitting. Baby girls will wear pasties like old time strippers. Baby boys will be dressed in butt less chaps and some sort of cod piece.
Lillybell Blues
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