My name is Citizen. I voted for you. I had all the hope that you did. It came with some skepticism. After all, this is certainly not my first "country going to hell" era. I survived the Nixon years where the government was exposed to be corrupt. I survived when all the little minions went to prison and the Leader of The Free World was pardoned. That, of course, proved to everyone that you can be in government and be above the law. Nice lesson.
Then we had Carter who looked OK in a sweater and made us turn off the Christmas lights. I was in the gas lines hoping there would be some there at the pump by the time I got there. Survived that. Then we had President Regan. Like you he could orate. He could hold a crowd with his rhetoric. He was also in the Oval office during the Arms for Hostages mess. He was there when the market crashed in 87 I believe it was.
He did stand in front of the Berlin Wall and insist it be torn down. He was in the right place at the right time. That wall was coming down one way or another. Communism in The Soviet Union had proven to be full of corruption and grift much like Capitalism. The people were in need of everything. They wanted to tear down that wall. Regan gets all the credit because of one sentence. "Mr. Gorbachev tear down this wall". I think Gorbie was on the other side with the first sledge hammer.
We got through a one term Bush. Had that war. Raised taxes and that was it for Bush 41. President Clinton and his administration did a satisfactory job domestically and the world loved him. Unfortunately he couldn't keep his hands off the interns. Really, not a domestic issue but of course the GOP decided that he needed a colonoscopy interrogation on national TV. He should have just said, "been there, did that". But no, he had to lawyer speak and deny and phrase things just so. Whatever. Liar. I didn't care until he did the dance of confusion and semantics.
His fool hardiness and the Supreme Court put us in peril with W. The nation spiraled on all fronts. W was a great cheerleader after 9/11 but a terrible strategist. He let too many people in his ear. "Gotta get Saddam". Off to war we went. We saw the dog and pony "Mission Accomplished" show. However, we are still at war there. Hard to accomplish an undefined mission.
Then came an intelligent, thoughtful, articulate man who had the HOPE to CHANGE D.C. To make life better in America. To create jobs. You haven't. The tone in Washington has never been worse. There is no good job news. What was it you said on the campaign. "We are going to go line by line through the budget. We are going to eliminate programs that do not work. We are going to incentivize Corporations and Businesses to hire here in America". I used the quotes, but it's a paraphrase. You were going to raise taxes on the wealthiest Americans. You sounded so good. I believed every word.
Well, I am sorry. How can I explain to people that I voted for you first term because I thought you were going to do something? Now I am going to vote for you because I think you are less harmful than anyone trying to grab the GOP nomination. Will you please give me something concrete to point to? Getting Bin Laden was good but that doesn't put food on American tables.
Pardon my bluntness, and I really mean no disrespect, but you need to man up. You need to demand that Corporate America stop sending all our job away. You spent part of your last state of the union congratulating certain business leaders who had kept jobs here. Know what happened? They sent jobs over seas and fired Americans shortly after your speech. You might want to check things like that out.
Why can you not demand that Corporations who are contractors of, do work for, or are vendors to the Government, which is almost every business left, hire here? Jobs. Here.
Wall street is unstable. That is awful for those of us with money to invest. That is not the problem of the vast majority of Americans without jobs. They want to work. They want homes and food. They want their children to have beds to sleep in, not shelters. JOBS. If we had them wall street would fix itself.
I am pleading with you, President Obama, find the right path and/or the right people to walk the path with you. Save the common man. Save the people in need. The GOP and the Supreme Court are taking care of the haves.
Please, don't make me have to defend you anymore.
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