Tuesday, August 23, 2011

EARTHQUAKE IN D.C. never when you need one

Dear Creator of the Universe, Maker of Heaven and Earth, Spirit of all the Earth, Spirits of Saints and Loved Ones, Gods and Goddesses,

Why couldn't the earthquake hit D.C. when Congress was in session? It was the perfect time to make a statement from the universe that Congress needs to be shaken up. It isn't that I think I know better or more than you Deities but really, it would have been GREAT to see that building full of nay sayers and complainers shaking. Watching people who know what God wants trying to figure out what to do. OH, so disappointed.

I feel certain Bane-R would have cried. I mean first. I am sure many of them would cry thinking that their time had come. It would be like my favorite scene from Almost Famous when the band thinks they are not going to survive in the airplane and they confess their most personal secrets and sins. THEN the plane survives and oops, it is all out there. Every one knows everything. That changes things completely.

Can you see every representative pleading with God to forgive them for taking money for that and sleeping with them and lying about this and cheating on that? Then the earth settles and everything has been recorded on CSPAN. Oh, please. How did we not get this opportunity?

That entire Obama being Muslim or Christian could have been resolved at that moment. Was he calling for God or Allah? See, when you think you are dying RIGHT NOW, you don't have time to process anything. You just let it all out. Whatever that may be.

We have all had those slow motion moments when you know you are dead. That car coming straight at you, the plane plunging 1,000 feet in turbulence, slamming on the brakes when you realize you are the only one moving and those little red lights are brake lights. Those moments where your heart leaps to your throat and everything is S L O W and nano-seconds become an eternity. I would have so loved to see our leaders then. We would have known who is really a leader, who is a crier and who is a bed wetter.

Driving through the Metroplex or as I call it, "the drivers test from hell", I had a, "what is that in the road?", moment a while back. No room to move, no lane open. Suddenly I could see what "it" was. "It" was a rack off of a pick up that carries ladders. Big, square, metal and pointy. That 15 seconds lasted forever. A man in a big van next to me realized at the same time what "it" was and that I was going to be skewered. He pulled to the shoulder and gave me enough room to live. Thank you, sir. I, by the way, am a screamer not a crier or bed wetter. I was most assuredly begging God for many things very loudly. I was sorry for every single thing and really pissed at the same time.

Divine Ones, next time could the timing be just a little better? Please? I don't often beg, however, I do make exceptions. I will give up chocolate for a year, (not the hot, drinkable kind, the eating, yummy kind), if we could please have another 6.0 in D.C. while Congress is there in the building, holding the nation hostage about something. I don't want to see anyone hurt or anything just scared straight to the truth. OH, a citizen's _ _ _ dream.

Do consider the above request, please?
Lillybell Blues

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