Monday, August 8, 2011


I do not like war. This comes from being a child of the Viet Nam era. It was such a confusing war. No one was threatening America. The WWII generation knew from the end of that war that Stalin was going to eat as much of Europe as he could. They gave it to him. Then we lived in fear of Communists. They were everywhere. They were coming. They were going to take over the world one country, one society at a time and America had to save the everyone.

I hear tales of how horribly the Viet Nam vets were treated. I don't remember that. I remember thinking about those poor men and boys fighting whether or not they wanted to for an undefined cause. Apparently they all got spit on much like everyone was at Woodstock. The Vets of that war have finally reached the status of being revered. They have lived with injuries and PTSD for years. I can't imagine suffering that pain without victory. I know boys who got busted for pot then were given the choice of jail or the military. Punishment. These were the draft years. If you were eligible and male you were in the Army. If you got in trouble, you were in the Military. This was not WWII fervor. This was borderline government paranoia. People died from that. Go see the wall in D.C.  That's just our side. Yes, the enemy are people too. No, not Jane Fonda.

WWII was a righteous war. It was a noble cause. It was good against actual living evil. The nation went to war. Those left at home didn't forget we were fighting. They sacrificed, they did their part. They built the machines of war. They did without. Now we just send groups of fighters over there, bring them home, send them back. I don't even know what we are fighting for. Saddam is dead. Bin Laden is dead. OK. NOW WHAT?

Now we have lost 31 more men. Elite men. The best trained in our military. Why? We can't fix the problems these people have. They have warred for years. THEY HATE EACH OTHER. How can we fix that? They are tribal. Who do we support? They each want the other tribes to suffer. This is not the problem of America.


Then let's be ready for them here. Let's find out who is already here. Who has lived here for years peacefully waiting to be called for their time to take out Americans while killing themselves. Someone who is willing to die for a cause is dangerous anywhere. They must already be here. The 9/11 perpetrators were HERE. They didn't just fly in from the middle east and slam airplanes into buildings. Let's bring our soldiers home and use them for homeland security. Inspect ports, airports, shipping containers, raid suspected cells of terrorists. Show a little force on the streets. "HEY, terrorist, don't even think about it...we have machines of war here."

We can either carpet bomb every country that houses terrorists who want Americans to die, that's a lot of territory, OR we can protect our homeland. Who is coming in? What is in that shipment? Racial profiling? For it. Check out those people who look like they come from a country that breeds terrorists. This is WAR. Those Japanese Americans sent to camps in WWII, that was awful. It also was WAR. Suspend habeas corpus. You act like a terrorist, we want to talk to you. You have no rights. You hang around with terrorists, suspected terrorists....bummer, we want to talk to you. And watch you. And follow your every move.

OH, and let's not educate foreign students anymore.The best colleges in the world will only educate Americans for a while. Sorry. Learn in your own country.

We continue to fight conventional wars. Why? This is not conventional. These are people willing to die and kill as many infidels as they can. Don't let them in our nation. Kick them out if they are here. Even if they are merely suspected. Sorry, bye bye.  Don't do business with countries who support terrorism. Oops, that oil thing, that's going to be an issue. This is where WE serve our country. STOP using so much gas. Manufacture cars that use less. Find alternative sources of fuel. Drill here. Build refineries here. THIS IS AMERICA for heaven's sake. Sacrifice. Make one trip in a day not two. Carpool. Use public transportation. Make an effort to reduce your personal consumption of resources. Stop worrying about every little teeny tiny creature who might be threatened by industry. Sorry, people are more important.

Our government needs to ask us to do more than pray for our fighting men and women. They need to say. WE ARE AT WAR. PEOPLE WANT US TO DIE. They are not going to stop because we are waging war in part of their world. They want to kill us here. We need to reduce our dependence on people who hate us. SACRIFICE. Change they way you live to support this effort.

You want to travel and see the world? Don't. See America. Keep your tourists dollars here. See the things you have always wanted to right here where freedom was granted us by blood and sacrifice. Support your countrymen. You need to buy something? Try to buy something made here. I say this as a woman who drives a foreign car built here. The lines are very blurry. But it is time that the average American said, "I want to save my country". "I want my freedom back". "I want to do what is best for my country as a whole not just satisfy my selfish need".

LEADERS: LEAD. I am not sure what on earth happened to our government except is it now a joke around the world. Nixon and his administration started this. at all costs...cheat...steal...lie.....cover it all up. Then Gerald Ford said, "that's OK, you are pardoned". Since then we have been in constant states of battle between US. Conservatives and Liberals.

If you were on one of those planes on 9/11, would you care about the political affiliation of the guy next to you? Would say...are you a _____? Then let's try and save this plane? OR, You're a _____?, sorry, hope you go down in flames.

The people on that plane who saved lives by fighting back were AMERICANS. They weren't red or blue. They were fighting for their lives for the lives of people on the ground, their fellow citizens regardless of race, creed, religion or party affiliation.

Can't they be our example instead of the fools we have elected from both parties? Can we not exercise our right by simply voting? Demanding that those people in power, the incumbents, all get removed? Can we have a choice of leaders instead of followers? Can we have a "none of the above" choice on ballots? Can we raise our voices and say," TERM LIMITS, EVERYONE, EVERY BRANCH"? Can we NOT say, "YOU GET NO MORE HELP FROM THE GOVERNMENT THAN THE AVERAGE CITIZEN". Government gets health care and life time pensions. Sorry, really don't think you deserve that. Compensation while you are in office, 50 percent of your health care paid for. Nice severence pacakage. No pension. Social Security. No free health care. Medicare. Welcome to America.

We are doomed if WE, not our leaders, don't do something. Leaders have proven they have no clue. We need to put pressure on them. Run this nation, forget your party. LEAD, avoid the lockstep of rhetoric. Have ideas. THINK ON YOUR OWN or you are outta here.

Common cause. We don't want to die because any fanatic has an issue with our lifestyle, our path to God. We can't "turn" them. We can't save them. We can save us. Let's finally start doing it correctly. Bring our soldiers home. Save lives. Keep the nation safe.

Vote for me! Queen of the Universe!

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