I know I have mentioned this in a rant or mini rant but I cannot wrap my head around the news story that Peyton Manning will earn $633.00 per second on the field. They specified "on the field" so I am sure there were figure-ers figuring. You know one of my favorite sayings: "Figures don't lie but figure-ers do". Corporate America does it all the time. You can make numbers say anything with enough analysis, charts, graphs and lies.
My dad used to play games with us using math, of course, and flawed logic. Yeah, engineers aren't always fun. Needless to say I can't remember any of them. As soon as he started one of his, "seven people earn 47 dollars a day......", I went to my happy place.
Flawed logic leads to many odd conclusions. My favorite is from a teacher, one of the few I loved, Ms. Radar. This was taught is high school, (today it would be a court case):
God is Love
Love is blind
Ray Charles is blind
Ray Charles is God
My point, and I do have one, (thanks, Ellen, killer line), is the logic of the country is flawed. I find it ironic that Congress and the NFL all solved their issues within days of one another. Get in Kumbya Land with me for a minute. My logic is flawed too.
Our government has been engaged in playground warfare over who to hurt in America. Let's stick it to the elderly and the needy. Rich people give more than their fair share already. Let's hurt those already struggling. Good plan. Corporate America needs tax breaks so citizens of other nations can have jobs!
The NFL Owners and Players Association have been arguing over BILLIONS over dollars. These are apparently EXTRA dollars. Whew, they solved their issues so they can earn inconceivable amounts of money to play a game, (I love this game....I used to think it was a stupid game played by stupid men then I went, now I get it... KILL THE FREAKIN' EAGLES, DALLAS!!! and never came back).
I used to ask my dad this question: "Why did the Germans do nothing? I don't understand. Hitler and his apparently entirely insane army just rounded people up, put them camps, killed them and the German people did nothing?" This question still puzzles me. I've read the history. World War I, the allies finally beat the Germans and punished them by treaty. Then a crazy man gained power, then took more power, improved the economy and became a freakazoid. The citizens of Germany didn't even look except for a brave few.
I see this in America.
Our government doesn't see need? Doesn't see hunger? Rich men whine before the government, get a slap on the wrist and continue on. Some one's Gramma is eating cat food and deciding which medicine she can afford to take. Her husband died in service to the country. She's only paid taxes since she began working after his death in 1944. Peyton Manning can earn $633.00 A SECOND? In the same country? Rich people are hurting? Where? Show me.
Peyton, seriously, I would like a minute of your time. Your "on the field time". It will cover many, many expenses for my parents. GOOD GRIEF. I admire you, Peyton. You are amazing on the field. I love how you never set until the last nano second because you are telling the line what to look for. I love that you are gracious and give back. I know you support many charitable causes. Sorry, no one does anything that is worth $633.00 a second.
Executives, I mean the CEO variety, are all smart enough to know that they might accidentally drive a company into the ground with stupid decision making. People could lose their jobs. The market might teeter for days based on their bad management. They get their "parachute" up front: In the event that, I, too stupid to have this position, should ruin this decades old, money making S.O.B. into the dirt because I don't understand the industry and my ego is way too big to listen to anyone, I get 60 million dollars. You get to lose your jobs. Sounds fair. In some sort of alternate reality.
Is this the country you grew up in? Not me. Not even close. I am stunned by the shameful way everyone in politics behaves. It is not only ineffective, it is embarrassing. They protect the rich and greedy. Organizations ask Americans to "dig deep to give to charity". The wealthiest among us whine about their burden. Like the NFL. "We don't how to divide billions of dollars, life is hard". "Yay, now we can play because we divided our huge wealth almost fairly. Here is your $633.00 a second".
I think the NFL can support every charity on their own.
Are we going to be the citizens who shake our heads about how sad it is that the government is metaphorically rounding up the poor and needy, making their burden more difficult, while on our way to pay hundreds of dollars to watch millionaires play millionaires in a game?
Seems to me we are standing on shaky ground.
Not that I feel strongly about it,
Lillybell Blues
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