Monday, February 13, 2012


We all know how horrible American life has become. If you have not noticed the decline in America then you obviously have not been listening to the GOP hopefuls and the media. I am not sure how we survive in a country so rife with government oppression and interference.

This all started, of course, when President Obama took office. Immediately the climate of the country changed. That Muslim from Kenya started changing our very basic way of life. First he saved the auto industry. That bastard. How dare he try to restore what was once one of our biggest accomplishments? How dare he return the American auto makers back to the top of the industry? The hand writing was on the wall. This man was putting people to work manufacturing something IN AMERICA! He could have saved more banks or hedge fund owners! What a socialist.

Bin Laden was killed. How dare he? How dare Obama authorize the death of the terrorist who has symbolized evil in our country for decades? Even George W. Bush told us Bin Laden wasn't important any more. Not only that, Obama brought our troops home from Iraq. WHAT? Cut our manpower dedicated to war by more than half? That is un-American. Since the nation was founded we have only had a scant 21 years without military involvement. How can we survive if we are not engaged in conflict? How can we live with ourselves if we are not putting our bravest in harms way? How can we not be beating people into democracy? Obviously we cannot go on much longer without a long term commitment to death and destruction. Any little, oil producing, middle eastern country want a little shock and awe? Just piss us off. OR give us time to create evidence against you.

How many of you women have had the government force birth control pills down your throat? That's what I thought. Only the Catholics. I assume this is part of Obama's plan to reduce the Catholic population. This will be necessary as part of his long term goal to make this a Muslim nation. I don't know about you but I have seen signs everywhere. The mandatory distribution of the Koran in hotels and public buildings. People stopping in the streets to face Mecca five times a day. Women forced to cover their heads in public. The public observance of Ramadan. Why last year I saw a man lose a pound through forced fasting.

Catholics are currently having to take time and money away from planning their defense strategy in several court cases involving pedophile priests. Why? To defend their right to not pay for birth control. Heaven forbid there would not be enough children to molest in the next generation. What would those celibate, holy men do? I do not understand why the Catholic Church will not share their secret for changing homosexuals. It must be too Godly for mere mortals to know. I do, however, understand their moral indignation. They are the one TRUE church. Except for the other one true churches.

That is just part of Obama's war on Christianity. I am sure you have noticed how fearful people are when they go to a worship service. In my neighborhood I can only see two churches from my backyard. I have to drive an entire quarter of a mile to see several more. Poor Christians, so afraid they call in police during services. The police appear to be directing traffic but you can tell it is to protect those still brave enough to publicly display their faith. Obama has set in motion the biggest assault on Christian beliefs since Stalin. I had to walk all the way out my front door to find other Christmas trees besides my own last December. My next door neighborhood flaunted her faith by brazenly displaying a nativity scene in her front yard. So did the family on the other side of her. And approximately 30 other people in my neighborhood. Take that, Obama.

What's worse? A Church in Frisco, Texas had to build a 10 story, 100,000 square foot cathedral, complete with coffee shop and bookstore, under the cover of darkness. The 7,000 seat arena must have been cloaked during the day otherwise this mammoth building would have stopped by  clandestine government officials. Yesterday this church opened with very little fanfare. The reporters said that even when the 3 ton pipe organ was lowered from the rafters to the floor of the arena, complete with a 100 voice choir singing, it was done with great stealth.

Now it seems possible that this Kenyan Muslim, born without a certificate, might be reelected. This is part of his plan too. Next he is going to eliminate the second amendment. When he signed the law extending the rights of gun owners to carry in our National Parks he was merely lulling us into a false sense of security. If he gets that second term all guns will be collected and all ammunition will be removed from the store shelves. The NRA knows it, I know it and so do you. I am sure you have noticed how guns are getting hard to find. Almost no place sells them. Except in gun stores, sporting good stores, at gun shows, on the internet, out of car trunks and other rare, hard to find places. This assault, no pun intended, on our freedom must stop. I only hear once or twice a week of an innocent bystander shot and killed these days. Ah, the good old days when the murder of innocent people occurred all the time.

Obama care will kill us all.  I haven't actually seen a death panel but I am sure they are coming. How on earth could we survive with affordable health care? We can't, of course. It makes much more sense for us to have outrageous medical, pharmaceutical and hospital expenses. Why? Because otherwise the doctors, drug companies and hospitals would not be able to advertise 24/7. AND we would have no idea what drugs we need to talk to our doctors about during our next visit. I think we should all pay a little more for medical care so we can be even more informed on what will cure that disease we didn't know we had until we heard a commercial.

I have some friends who happened to be in Canada when their first child was born. There were some complications with the birth so mom and child had to stay in the hospital longer than the two days sufficient here in America. What did THAT cost? Nothing. Thank heaven their second child was born in America. You can certainly tell the difference. That free child is and adorable. The expensive child is and adorable, but he just has that little something extra. A price tag!

OH, and that's isn't all.

People who have children in college can continue to keep those children on their insurance. How crappy. I think those kids should have to pay for their own medical care in addition to school loans. With free medical care those kids may only be 80 or 90 thousand dollars in debt when they graduate. That isn't near enough pressure on a college graduate who has contracted some illness while in school. Let them carry the burden of illness into their young lives. As Rick Santorum says, "you will gladly pay $900 for an iPad but complain about $900 for medication that keeps you alive". Who could complain about having to pay less than $11,000 a year for a medicine to stay alive? Hell, get another job in between those chemo treatments. Wussy.

The main stream, elite media NEVER mentions all the deaths of people waiting for health care in other countries. Socialized medicine has them dropping like flies in, um, well, somewhere. I bet there used to be many more Brits, Canadians, Swedes, Finns and natives of countries who dare treat every citizen the same medically. Without insurance how could anyone expect to live with good medical care. That is so selfish.

Thank God we have people smarter and better equipped to tell us what is wrong and what to do. I am not sure how I would survive if every conservative and Christian man wasn't explaining to me that I am too simple to understand reproduction. That I really shouldn't worry my pretty little head about my uterus. Or other complicated things like voting and government. I am certainly incapable of understanding why I am not paying more in taxes. I am not rich or poor enough to pay no taxes so obviously I am not doing my fair share. I need my president to make my tax burden bigger. After all if I can't pay more than the 30% I pay now I am not American enough. What would happen if those giant corporations had to pay taxes because I wasn't paying enough? They couldn't create jobs over seas.

We need a government that will continue to point out the error of our ways in following science. We went to the moon on Angel wings, everyone knows that. We have created vaccines that have wiped out deadly diseases because God whispered the formula to someone wearing a white coat. We mapped the genetic code, which was a total waste of time because it is too sciencey. We could conduct stem cell research but that is WAY too sciencey. You saw what happened when they cloned that sheep. Hello Dolly, Dolly, Dolly, Dolly. We have created inventions that have improved lives everywhere, even those of people we don't like. This has to stop.

We need a President who can save us from this mad man. This Obama. These last three years have been tumultuous. Unemployment has dropped, the auto industry has rebounded, Bin Laden is no longer a threat. We are out of a 10 year war that accomplished...we don't know what yet but rest assured some day some one will tell us. Maybe.

Our children are lagging behind other nations over the world academically. Thank heaven those school budgets keep getting slashed in all 50 states. If we get too much education, reality television might die.

What the hell would we do then?

You're Welcome,
Lillybell Blues

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