Tuesday, September 13, 2011


People have asked me to be funny and not angry when I sit here and engage in free form ranting. Sorry, you will disappointed again today. Humor requires a little inspiration. Dismay comes on it's own.

Listening to the Tea Party debates and on the Republican debates I can only assume that this is not America anymore. This is some form of CRAZY LAND formerly known as America. Who the hell are these Tea Party people who cheer death and think if you don't hold private medical insurance you should die? The same people who froth at the mouth about DEATH PANELS and abortion applaud the State of Texas for killing 234 people, some guilty some not so much. They cheered last night at the thought of people being turned away from emergency medical care. THIS IS THE BASE OF THE GOP.....they remind me of Nazis.

My theory, and of course like my father before me I am always correct, these nut jobs are the former members of the John Birch society, The Klan, basic haters because they were raised that way or have WAY TOO MUCH white in them. How on earth did we get here? Are white people still pissed off that people come in different colors? Are people so evil and hateful that letting others die because they can't afford insurance is reason to cheer? This is not America.

We make my head hurt. We are so wrapped up in our tiny, little, meaningless lives we cannot see beyond the edge of ME. When did that happen? Trust me, honey, we are all going to die and the world will carry on without us. There is not one among us so damn important or intelligent that the world will collapse without us. Life, or whatever this is, carries on and we are merely dust.

These people who cling to GOD and GUNS, an odd juxtaposition, are the poster children for division and hate. MONEY, important. PEOPLE, collateral damage. GOD loves hard working, well to do, heterosexual white people. GOD hates every thing and every one else. The worship of self under the pretense of worshipping GOD is one of those no-nos, isn't it? Aren't we supposed to love our fellow man? Do unto others? Imagine what those Tea Party people will be receiving in return.

I watched the audience last night when the cameras were not trained on all the nice hair cuts and Stepford eyes. Where did these people come from? I used to think the idea that aliens walked among us was silly. Now I am not so sure. These people cannot have been raised in a free country by any standard. They are the Party of NO to You cause it's all about ME.

God bless the country formerly known as America.

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