Thursday, September 8, 2011


Mr. Bob Dylan wrote a song in the 1960s titled Too Much of Nothing that Peter, Paul and Mary took and made it beautiful. I love you, Bob, but you don't always do the best version of your own songs. The song is about oppression and how it leads to revolution. That is how I read the song.

I didn't watch the "debate" last night as I hate to vomit and that format is called a dog and pony show, debate has nothing to do with it. Semantics, I know. This morning I listened to the sound bites and heard nothing I didn't expect. I will watch the actual candidates debate when we finally get there. It's a long way away folks. I hate the elongated campaign process. Way too much, way. The media just sucks up every little drop of information and politicians like nothing more than national recognition.

Please, everyone stop everything right now. We are in reverse and going fast, blindfolded. It will be ugly. In case you have not guessed, I am an "I told you so" junkie to a degree. Not snotty, just to let you know that I know that you know. I make friends every where I go.

This is not about the GOP this is not about the DEMs this is about us. You and me. America, what on earth happened here? I am completely baffled and stunned. Our national values suck to the point that Dyson is jealous. People applauded the death of 234 criminals. Some of them iffy as to their guilt.

At this point in the debate I went on line with a FB friend who was defending Obama to some right wing tea party nut jobs. All of this has to stop, the discourse is horrible. MERCY, we are one nation are we not? One of the tea baggers had a profile picture of himself firing some automatic weapon and his fav sport, NASCAR. Sorry to be so stereotypical, but, oh yeah. I wanted to ask him if he had teeth. Sorry, mean...but so good at it.

"Liar, Obummer, Obamacare, BLACK president, BLACK friends, TERRORIST friends, Ungodly, MUSLIM". Unholy cow, Fox News is poisoning this entire red freaking nation. The "F" word is reserved for anyone who is in favor of people not money and corporations. "Stupid", wow, who knew they were so articulate.?

Never suggest that W couldn't get out of a box with directions and a box cutter, that makes them angry. I am saving it for later. :) 

Things like deregulation helps the economy and that "trickle down" works is their mantra. HEY, wake up....Corporations are GREEDY. It's their job to be greedy. Their investors matter, their employees not at all. Expendable. Everyone is now expendable. Think not? Just wait til someone in India or China can do your job. Your tune will change IF you have a brain. I know long term unemployed Replicans, (new word meaning, "cold blooded by nature"), who still buy the, "GOP is gonna save the world", line. NO, they aren't. They are going to save their class, the rich, and leave the rest of us in the dust...literally.

We live in a country where if you want to purchase a home you must have it insured. If you want to drive a car, you must have insurance on the vehicle. If you get sick, tough shit. Hello? Priorities. The corporations and interests groups run the country with money. They get more money by electing who they want and then call in favors. Illness is costly and one bad medical issue can wipe you out even if you have coverage. Property counts, people no. That is not America. That isn't even close. The government only gives a damn about commerce. RUN THAT. And try not to run it in the ground any longer. Stay out of everything else.

We don't have a KING we have a corrupt government system and we sit on our ass.

What happened, Boomers? Where is that fire and passion that we had when "HELL NO WE WON'T GO" was common in the streets? We are the largest generation in this nation. Where is reason? Where is empathy? Where is civility? How the "F" did we become this? Mean, spiteful, narrow minded? US, the "live and let live", generation how did we get so narrow?

I am just about done. I don't mean ranting, I mean being a good citizen. My government sucks, why should I pay for that? I would fire them all if they were my employees. Why should I continue to pay and pay and pay only to be told that what I want and think matters not at all.

Get off your butts fellow Boomers for whatever you want and believe....THINK stop being sheep. We were never sheep as a generation. We were Pathfinders and Experimenters and Thinkers...druggies too, but we wouldn't settle for the status quo. I don't want it now either.

Too much of nothing makes a man abuse a King. Revolution from oppression. It is coming. People don't like being down forever....look out, I see riots in the streets. The unemployed, the hungry, the disenfranchised. We Americans as a rule don't like being under a thumb. We display the middle finger at that point.

You're Welcome,


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