Friday, September 30, 2011


Those of you who know me personally know that I have a deep seated dislike for most things GOP. I didn't used to feel this way until the nation elected, in my opinion, the worst president of my lifetime, George W. Bush. Living in Texas all my life I was aware that the man couldn't get out of a box without directions, advisers and help. I survived eight years of the man's misdirection of the nation. Then I found Obama and thought that he would change Washington. He hasn't. It is still just a sandbox that our "leaders" play in and we are the grains of sand lost in the game.

Logically I know that politics is an ugly, mean game. A nasty event full of lies, half truths and pure bullshit. This election is different. The GOP has God. The GOP believes in Jesus. The GOP wants us all to live under their moral leadership. I have some questions. Although Jesus doesn't talk to me, I am taking his side in this composition.

Hard for some of you to believe I know, but I did grow up in a church. A Methodist Church. The Methodists believe that God, Jesus Christ and The Holy Spirit are one. The Trinity. They also believe that during football season the sermon should over a little sooner so everyone gets home in time for kick off. It's very pragmatic that way. Methodists are mostly laid back, sing pretty hymns, anthems and talk about the goodness of the faith, kind of people. The God and Jesus that I hear the GOP talk about was never mentioned in my church home.

In all fairness, I do not attend a church now and haven't since my family experienced hypocrisy of the worst kind from Christians at our church. I took it very personally and have held my beliefs and spirituality pretty much to myself unless asked or appalled. The Lord and I have not always had a good relationship. However, I refuse to sit by and let people high jack God for political gain. The Jesus I read and learned about would be in Washington having a hissy fit. He would be on the campaign trail having a "WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT?" rally.

Here is how I see it.

Mortals are running around taking about God calling them to lead the nation. To teach God and intelligent design in school. They want to make the nation more Christian. They are blaming disasters on gay people. Really? The thing that makes my head spin is people buy that. People, good Christian people want others to starve and die because they don't have the correct papers, citizenship or insurance. Good Christian people want gays to change so they are not an abomination before God. Really? People want to shove Jesus down your throat, His way or the highway, Really?  That is not the, "Jesus Loves Me This I Know", Jesus. This Jesus and this God are some sort of marketing tool. I don't think God likes that very much. But, hey, what do I know?

I know that Jesus wasn't picky about who he healed or saved or forgave. I know that Jesus preached love and equality. I know that Jesus fed the multitudes, not just the rich and powerful. I know that Jesus threw the money changers out of the Temple. I know that Jesus defied his government and his Faith. Jesus was a Jew, not a Christian. Jesus upset the leaders and the elders and the hierarchy of the Temple. Jesus was a rabble rouser. Jesus died for His faith and teachings.

So, let's imagine what Jesus would say if he were in a Tea Party or GOP debate. I don't think He would appreciate the booing of the gay soldier. I think Jesus might have called a few hecklers out on that one. Judge not being one of his favorite sayings. And leaving people to die because they don't have insurance. First, of course, the concept of insurance might have to be explained to the Entity who laid hands on lepers to heal them. For free. I think Jesus would say, "you are not caring for My children because they don't have a card?" I see thunder and lightning right about now.

Building a HUGE fence to keep out the "unwanted". I think Jesus would take the lead on this discussion. "Excuse me? Is there a problem with My children south of the United States of, what again? America?"  "Are you suggesting that a family seeking freedom and a better life for their children are of no VALUE?"  I kinda of see Jesus getting a little upset by now. I can imagine he might smite a few folks here and there.

Educating the children of undocumented workers. I think Jesus might raise his hand and simply say, "I didn't mean make the little children suffer. I was telling the adults to get out of the way so I could teach the children. Hello? have you people read nothing of what has been written about the plight of mankind? Suffer the little children to come before me meant simply, 'bring them here', mercy".

Taxes. I picture Jesus rolling his eyes. A lot. I imagine that Jesus would get kind of bored and explain that taxes need to be FAIR. That if one must have money, render unto _____ what is _____'s. Then he would take the IRS and smite the entire bunch. Jesus wasn't a big fan of money or taxes or cheaters. He was a very spiritual man concerned about the soul, not the pocket book.

Gays, abortion, crime, hate, racism, sexism, fear mongering and those nebulous subjects I think Jesus would say. "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you". He would probably have to explain this statement to the audience, considering they celebrate dying and boo gay soldiers and executing people by lethal injection. "Vengeance is MINE", The Lord would say. "Judge not lest ye be judged". "Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord in vain, damn it".

This is where He would explain that using His name to tell people how to think and to oppress people is wrong. I think the arena or venue at this point might shake a little just for effect. Jesus would weep. Jesus would sit in wonder at how his teachings of loving your fellow man, honoring your God and caring for mankind had wrought this.

I think Jesus would conclude by saying. "The government is supposed to help the citizens, not oppress, not destroy, not ruin. Your purpose on this earth is to leave something good. The government's job is to give a place to do that. This society is teetering, please love one another before you destroy what was given to you by The Divine."

This time Jesus wouldn't even say, "Father, forgive them. They do know not what they do".

Yes, they do. Stop spreading hate. Stop spreading fear. Start talking MANKIND not one man. No one who walks this earth is perfect nor flawless nor without sin.

Stop casting stones.
Lillybell Blues

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