I am getting ready to alienate some of you, I just know I am but I can't keep it to myself anymore. There is no REALITY TeeVee. There is cheap production programming that we as a society appear to lick up like a kitty does cream. I am sorry to be the one to tell you that some of the programming you watch is, well, crap.
I don't have a problem with crap. I watch crap. I love American Pickers and Pawn Stars and Antiques Roadshow. That is mainly because I want to know if I might have inherited anything of value or if The S&H Green Stamp store has become chic in some way.
Where to begin.
I admire anyone who can conquer any kind of severe personal problem. I do not want to watch it however. Not sure putting people who are obese on camera in shorts, sports bras and/or shirtless to prove they are fat is necessary. Also, you don't really need zero body fat trainers yelling at you and treating you like farm animals. Being humiliated on national television can't be enjoyable. I encourage everyone to live a healthy lifestyle and find your comfortable weight. Please don't make me watch.
I don't know about you but I never cared to compete with 20 plus other women for one ego driven man. Who else would be on television? An actor, model wannabe or Celebuman. AND Bachelor contestants those women want to be famous too. Actress, model, stripper, or a guest on the talk shows. Reality is NOT living in a house with women who all want the same man. Reality is knowing the man you want is dating twenty other women and you don't know their names. You really don't want to be roommates with any of these women. AND Bachelorette. I remember being courted by twenty-some-odd men at once, no wait, that's just odd men throughout my life. All those plane trips and yacht rides and handsome men begging for you, yeah, NOT reality. Those men all have a tattoo that says, "Committmentphobe".
I went to high school with people who can out-sing 99% of the "Idols". I really don't think an artist needs to be insulted and embarrassed on national TV. Many. many people can sing. It takes something else to be a musician and/or a star. Andy Warhol must laugh at the universe everyday.
Shouldn't they just call it, "Dancing With The Has-Beens and Incredibly Good Looking Professionals"? And over bearing, "r" rolling, loud judges...not necessary.
Seriously? Does anyone think this is REAL. Uh huh.
None of these women just want to be on TeeVee to be outrageous. None of them want to be famous and promote personal products. They have cat fights in real life everyday. That's why they have so many friends. I have met one or two women in my entire life that are as outrageous as these characters but they were later diagnosed with personality disorders.
SWAMP anything, HAND FISHING anything, PEST CONTROL anything, WORLD'S DIRTIEST JOBS, I CAN EAT MY WEIGHT IN FOOD. Stupid. Is there a direct connection between the number of teeth and the oddness the profession? I know that sounds rude. That's because it is. If you are on TeeVee, you can afford to see a dentist. If not, you are not getting paid enough to be rastlin' gators in your wife-beater or flannel plaid.
NOT reality. Opinion. One sided opinion about any and all things. Not news, not reality, not truth. It's called propaganda. In the fifties we feared the Communist propaganda, now we feed on American propaganda like it is a life force. NOT one. Have you noticed how many people in the "media" hawk their book on air? Can you see Walter Cronkite closing with, "and that's the way it is. Buy my book"? OPINION, get one of your own or I will let you have mine.
That is a threat. :)
One of my favorites so far...