Friday, June 24, 2011


I grew up wanting to have children and spoil them rotten. Or at least give them the tools necessary to navigate the very difficult world of growing up. I was not blessed with children so I never imagined the things children would "need". All I can say to you parents out there is: Have you lost your minds?

I'm old and out of touch so of course that makes me a genius. I also have never had to face the, "everyone else has one" or "everyone else does it" argument in the middle of a mall.  Has our generation forgotten what life was like when we were growing up?  I don't know about you but I never had my own car, phone line, television, stereo, or diamond jewelry when I was in high school.  Didn't kill me. My family did not plan our meals around my likes and dislikes. I could not entertain members of the opposite sex in my room. I did not get all the latest fads much less get an upgrade every time one was available. I also had no problem getting into any and all trouble.

Now our entire society revolves around children, They are treated like Kings and Queens of the World. Preschoolers have graduation. Elementary school children dress like Baby Gaga and Baby Rapper. High School Students are unbelievably spoiled. Football players are like the Gods of the Olympiad. Banquets and rallies, and fancy buses to the out of town games. Homecoming is like your first wedding. Mums big enough to cover an entire girl and the multi hundred dollar dress she's wearing. And Prom. My stars, I had to wait until a family member died before I rode in a limo. And, sure stay out all night, I mean everyone does. And get a hotel room that will be safer. And let mommy and daddy pay for it. Now behave. Say What?

Can mommy and/or daddy buy you some booze? We don't want you to get caught so invite all your friends to drink at our house. Mommy and daddy are soooo cool. I hope we get a mention in your high school annual. "Most Likely To Be Prosecuted". 

Don't clean your room honey. You're so busy playing video games. Here let me do the laundry, sweetie. Those knobs and settings are confusing for a college student. How's that car? OH, you want to use ours? Well, or course, we didn't buy you a car to drive it. We want you to drive ours. And please be careful while you're drinking behind the wheel.

Is your cell phone to out of date? Well, OK, use my upgrade and get the most expensive one. I don't want your peers pointing at you. Yes, that TV in your room is kinda small. We'll get you an HDTV and surround sound. What? Your IPod is full? HONEY!!! We must get you another.

OH NO! Sweetie isn't happy. Sweetie is bored. Mommy and daddy must let you do whatever you want so you don't suffer the sadness of life. What? You have an interest in, guns? guitars? motorcycles? computers? pornography? HUGE dogs? Modeling? Dancing? Jet Skis? Travel? Well don't you worry. We will work ourselves to death until you find out which one is your favorite. When you get bored with it we will store all associated equipment for you, forever.

Am I bitter? Yes, indeed. Would my children hate me? I don't know. They would be in their room until their 30th birthdays.

You're Welcome,

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