My husband has a saying, "we watch the ants and the elephants walk by". It translates to petty things getting the attention while the major problems are ignored. In this election cycle I feel it is a good time to point out what is and what is not important to citizens. As you know, I plan to rule the universe.
First and foremost. I do not care what your personal religious beliefs are or even if you have any. I am not voting for you to be my religious leader. I would, however, appreciate it if you not comment on my personal beliefs. As I understand it, I was granted the freedom to have those by men, not women of course they didn't count yet, who actually wrote the Constitution. They understood that the government and the church should not be related in any way. This doesn't mean not to revere God. Just don't put Him/Her in office. This also does not mean that atheists have more rights than Christians, Jews, Muslims or Buddists. They just have better lawyers and get more media attention.
We are broke. We need to balance the budget and quit depending on foreign money. Let's create jobs. Let's NOT send jobs overseas because labor is cheaper for big business. Let's incentivize big business to keep jobs here AND create new ones. Big Business works against America and reaps all our benefits. Unions need to chill. You aren't really necessary anymore. This is not the 1920s. Sure, eventually big business will get even more greedy and tramp on your rights and then you can reorganize but for now give it up for America.
Stop the ridiculous war on drugs. It is expensive and after 40 some odd years it is still not working. Legalize marijuana. Tax and regulate it like an adult product. Take the business away from the cartels and create an industry. Harder drugs can be regulated too and/or controlled by the medical profession. I promise not too many people really want to be heroin addicts. Those that do won't have to rob you if they can go to their doctor for a fix.
Oil will not save our ass forever. Eventually there will not be any so let's invest in other forms of energy and untie the chains of foreign oil. We have solar, wind, hydroelectric, nuclear and other forms of power. I don't care to be dependent on people who hate us and raise their prices as the wind blows.
Define "Media". People are so confused. While the "lame stream" media merely reports the news, the "fair and balanced" version seems to come from one source. This is why people think Jon Stewart is the most trusted man in political news. People, he's funny and often right on target but he IS a comedian. Let's limit "news" to an hour a day. All other "news and opinion" should be an optional part of your cable or satellite package.
I do not want to hear what is wrong with your opponent. I want to know if you have a brain, can think on your feet, string together an intelligent sentence and NOT just repeat rhetoric. I do not want to hear the same thing over and over. Have a real debate not a pissing contest.
Never speak for my gender. If you are not a woman do not tell me what it is like and how I should behave. Do not tell me that I have to have a child that will suffer tremendously because of birth defects. Do not tell me I have to have a child because a man raped me. Do not tell me I have to have a baby I cannot afford because I was abandoned by baby daddy. DO feel free to tell baby daddy he will have to support my child and be responsible and not just be a sperm donor.
DO NOT let the NRA interpret the second amendment. It has nothing to do with the ability to own every weapon known to man. DO NOT tell me that guns don't kill people that people kill people. I can counter with, "knives dont' cut meat, people cut meat", the knives just make it SO much easier.
Try not to look like a rich pompous ass. We all know you are but somehow it just makes you more creepy. Think John Edwards - yuck.
Be a statesman/woman who would make me proud. Do not be wishy-washy and kiss your base's rear end. Tell them to grow up. Times are tough. We are supposed to be AMERICANS who can accomplish anything not just play nanny, nanny boo-boo across the aisle.
You're Welcome,
Here is another of your blogs I am going to forward to my Federal and State representatives, my Facebook friends and en masse to my email contact list. (I will fight the urge to claim authorship and will give you the credit when forwarded).