Sunday, October 23, 2011

SPEWAGE. Refudiate that, Sarah

Spewage -  noun. the crap emitted from the mouths of talking heads, spin doctors, politicians, celebrities and bloggers. (yes, I know I emit some spewage).

Spewage. We are all surrounded by the substance. It permeates the air and fouls everything - (not my spewage).  Spewage becomes "TRUTH", or "VIRAL", or "WRONG". It reminds me of high school in some ways. The cool kids say/do/think this, the nerds say/do/think that and the kids in the middle hide because they are afraid of potential spewage. Some of these in-the-middle kids are sometimes later described as, "a nice person who kept to them self, never thought he/she would (fill in the blank with some act of carnage)". So, in a way spewage is a good thing. As long as it is recognized for what it is. Opinion. Ideas. Thoughts. What ifs. Persuasion. Lies.

Suddenly spewage is The Bible. It is carved in stone.

Um, spewage is some one's soapbox. Spewage is some one's opinion. I have a plethora of spewage and I am an expert on.....nothing.

Spewage, I feel certain, began with time as we know it. Adam and Eve probably engaged in spewage.

"Eve, God said that you should do as I say what with making you out of my rib and all".

"Oh really, when did God say that? We are equals. That is what God said, please take out the trash".

"If we are equals then you take out the trash".

"I am busy birthing Cain, make yourself useful, God said that too".

Thus began the spewage about God.

Spewage flew throughout history. Man received messages from many Gods and many mystics and just plain and simply made some up. The Greeks, Romans, Egyptians and other ancient civilizations had many Gods you could anger or please. These Gods sometimes took the form of humans or animals or mythical creatures. Spewage went along for the ride.

The Romans decided it was easier to make the Emperor a God. That worked. Much easier than creating those idols and figures out of stone. Easier to make monuments to the Emperor. Spewage went along on this adventure too. According to the Bible, spewage is responsible for the death of the innocents. That spewage is powerful stuff.

Throughout history as man struggled or flourished, spewage was there. It was there during the forming of this nation. Spewage became the prodigal child of politics. Spewage made it possible to be somebody. Slander someone with spewage and YOU can get elected. Adams did it. Jefferson did it. They did it to each other. That's right, our beloved Founding Father's understood the use and application of spewage.

Men became especially adept at spewage. After all, women were second  class citizens for centuries. Those beautiful words you heard as you were losing your virginity? Spewage. The words you said during your first wedding? Spewage. (second and third marriages too in some cases). Those words your spouse said when they came home late, drunk or both? Spewage.

Now spewage makes the world go round. Spewage convinces you that you NEED something or something is wrong with you. Spewage convinces you to vote for this person or that person. Spewage gnaws at your mind until you satisfy it's craving.

I need whiter teeth. I need to hide my wrinkles. I should not have a bald spot. I am not manly enough cause I drink the wrong beer. I need special underclothes to make me look smoother. I need to eat that piece of chocolate now that it has antioxidants. I can't eat that food, it is evil. I must have that new phone.

That politician is correct. That politician is evil. That person knows everything about politics because they say so. They person says I should vote for her. That person says I shouldn't vote that way. That person approved this message. That candidate killed 247 people with his bare hands. That candidate opened the prison door and invited all the killers back on the streets.

Celebrities got in on the spewage early in history. As soon as someone learned that their mere presence or words were cutting edge, they dived into spewage. Spewage is what keeps them in the public eye. Spewage is used to shock or apologize or both.

Let's all step away from the spewage. Try to dig through it, take what you think might be true, divide it in half and you might be close.

Spewage makes sheeple.

Just sayin'
Lillybell Blues

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