I have some very bad news. There is no such thing as a Guru with the secret to life.
I was watching, listening really, to a story on DATELINE. The, "we love to talk about murder" show. This story involved death in a sweat lodge. People followed their, "leader", their, "guru", their "teacher" into a structure to sweat. It was going to make them pure. Instead it made some of them dead.
Of course lawsuits followed. Now sweat lodges will come with a warning: "May cause profuse sweating, vomiting, heaving, thirst, hallucinations and lots of money for your Guru".
The followers of this man, those that didn't end up in the morgue or hospital, waited patiently for their leader to return after his questioning by the police so he could give them direction. WHAT? Here is some direction: get the hell away from him. You're welcome.
Remember Jim Jones? Remember those people on the west coast who all waited for the mother ship and committed suicide in their bunk beds? Remember David Koresh?
Nothing is easy. Nothing is perfect. No one has all the answers. No one makes a better you except you. There are no pills, no rituals, no cleansing to change your life. Sorry. It's an inside job.
Expose yourself to philosophies, great thinkers, people proven by history to be, you know, geniuses. Expose yourself to different beliefs and practices. Learn about other cultures and religions. Don't ever believe anyone knows better than you. They don't. They just sell it better.
Trust yourself first. Any hint of doubt is you saying, "uh, no". Don't ever think someone has the answer, the key or the ancient truth because really if anything was THE answer mankind would have heard by now. Look around, we aren't doing very well as humans. No one sees the future. No one communes with the spirits even though they may be convinced that they do. Why? Because no one is "touched". No one has "enhanced" anything. They are either self worshippers or great salespeople.
I was in a bookstore the other day. There are books everywhere by everyone telling you how to be better. Joel Olsteen has another book on the shelves because he loves you so much. If he really loved you he would have said everything in his first book. He really loves you right before the holidays. I love his message, I hate his schmaltz.
Meditation is a lovely practice. If that works for you that is great. I need an off switch. I try to meditate and all I hear is tinnitus or a voice in the back of my head humming some song or making a mental note to remember something.
Prayer is a lovely practice. Time to thank the God or Gods you worship. Or to appreciate life, count your blessings, be thankful and remind yourself how small you are. It is much like meditation only focuses on a higher being instead of you.
I have known people with deep beliefs in crystals, herbs, tarot cards, Ouija boards and psychics. Yeah, not going to work. Sorry. Just won't happen. How do I know? Because that is too good to be true. Some little cards or tea leaves or a piece of plastic on a board mean nothing. They are mass produced products that mean nada, zilch, zip, zero, nothing. It's literally bogus hocus-pocus.
We have all had supernatural moments in our life. Coincidences that seem to be a sign. A feeling, a voice, a dream from beyond or from a loved one already gone. I have them. Learn to recognize them for what they are, little gifts from the universe. A love so deep it reaches through the mist to whisper in your ear.
Use your brain. Trust your instincts. Listen to you, your heart, mind and your soul. Love your God. Be kind to Mother Earth. Respect your fellow man. Avoid those who want to envelope you in their power. They only have it if you give it to them.
If you believe what I say is true and real, read it again. I don't have the secret to life either.
You're welcome,
Lillybell Blues
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