Dear Texas Legislators,
I hardly know where to begin. Being a product of the Texas Public School System I do sympathize with all your confusion. I may have been absent and simply missed the discussion but I am pretty sure that when I was in school the topic, "Having A Penis Means Having No Responsibility", was not covered. I believe this lack of information, this "Have Penis-Will Travel is OK" approach, may be partly responsible for the abortion legislation currently before the house. Please, and do not stick your fingers in your ears and go "la, la, la, la, la, la", it takes both a man/boy and a woman/girl to create a fetus. The creation of said fetus makes the act of sexual intercourse necessary. This is nature's way. Put down those Texas science text books because the answers are certainly not in there.
You might want to sit down for this. Sometimes men/boys and women/girls have recreational sex. They do not necessarily engage in the act just to procreate. I will pause here and allow you ladies to recover from the vapors and give you gentlemen an opportunity to squirm in your seats on those curly tails.
To continue I must state here that this letter is not about my personal views on abortion. However, I do have very strong feelings about the subject. For the record my views are somewhere between believing you will roast in hell with "Baby Killer" tattooed on your forehead and believing that parenting panels should be established to determine parenting abilities. If in the panel's opinion either the mother or father is deemed unfit to parent then an abortion would be required. I am right in the middle.
This abortion legislation is being touted as "empowering" women by forcing them to have a sonogram prior to the abortion and listening to a detailed description of the fetus by a doctor. I think I speak for Texas women everywhere when I say, "thank you". You just don't know how confusing it is when you are carrying something in your uterus and you are not sure it is a fetus.
My biggest concern about the bill is that it does not empower the males in the state. Is there a legislator in the state house willing to sponsor a bill that would "empower" the baby daddies? This bill would require that men/boys view a day care bill and change a dirty diaper before engaging in intercourse with women/girls with whom they have no intention of parenting. After said act the men/boys will be required to sign a document, witnessed and notarized, which states that should a pregnancy result from the act of intercourse he is willing to provide 25 percent of his income annually to the resulting child until said child graduates from college and is gainfully employed.
Aren't you men/boys feeling empowered?
As an addendum:
To men everywhere who feel compelled to protect the unborn by getting on your soapbox and railing against abortion. To men who stand outside clinics to jeer and yell at the women who have made a heartbreaking decision: I suggest that until you can get pregnant you keep your mouths shut. Channel that energy into preaching to your own gender about sexual responsibility. Rail at men/boys to wear condoms. Preach about respecting women/girls and not using them like sperm depositories. Eliminate the notion that having a penis does absolve you of all responsibility.
Have penis, will travel? Well hit the road, Jack.
You're welcome,
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