There are some basic changes that must take place in this country or we are all going to continue suffering. I have a plan. I admit that many of my plans are loosely based on I Love Lucy episodes but here is a basic outline.
We will have a no-party political system. Candidates will not be affiliated with or be supported by any party. They will be elected based on their platform and voting record if they have one. Two terms, period.
Everyone eligible to vote must do so or cannot renew a driver's or business license. All ballots will contain a box for "none of the above". All voting will be done from a personal electronic device. If you do not have a personal electronic device the county in which you live will assist you with a paper ballot.
If you are in a taxable income bracket and you do not pay your income taxes you will not be able to renew drivers license or insurance, both business and personal. This may not raise a lot of revenue but public transportation may be better utilized.
Customer Service jobs must be held in America by people who speak our language. If you do not speak our language, you need an interpreter. Illegal immigration will be controlled at the hiring level. You hire an illegal immigrant you lose your license to practice or work in your field. Illegal immigrants already here will have an opportunity to become citizens. If you do not complete the necessary process you will be deported.
Marijuana will be legalized. This will open a new industry that will provide jobs in agriculture, transportation, manufacturing and retail industries. This product will be controlled and taxed like all adult consumer products. This action will negatively impact the drug cartels and free law enforcement to smack down killers, rapists, pedophiles and scurvy people who take advantage of the needy and vulnerable.
Churches that are large enough to house a small city and are actually TV studios, have schools and retail business inside their compounds will be taxed as businesses.
Corporations who expect tax relief because they don't want to use their profits to grow their businesses then send executives before Congress and whine will be taxed double. These top executives will also have to provide personal financial statements, publicly published, prior to whining before Congress.
Pharmaceutical companies will quit advertising on TV. People know to seek help from a doctor about their physical ailments. Most of the products you advertise are not covered by insurance until a generic is available so you are wasting your money and our time. Really, TMI about the leaky pipe thing.
Insurance companies will provide massive group policies to cover whatever market is selected. Businesses, schools, small communities, unemployed groups of people, churches, whatever, at a reasonable price. Doctors and hospitals will not charge $11.95 for a cotton ball. That is an example but have you seen an itemized hospital bill?
People will not be allowed to select other people's morals. Standards and ethics will be determined by vote in the community where you live. You want to live in a strip club, fine move to Pole Dance City. You want to cling to your Bible everyday, fine move to Rapture City. People will not convince other people to try their lifestyle, religion or pagan rituals.
Car Dealerships will not be allowed to scream at you on TV. This is a pet peeve but I am adding it as it should be common practice. You are watching your favorite show when suddenly: BUY YOUR CAR HERE AND NOW! BEST PRICES IN TOWN! I WILL NOT BE BEAT. NO ONE HAS LOUDER OR MORE STUPID COMMERCIALS THAN I DO!!! COME IN AND BUY, BUY, BUY.
That's it, America, as I think of new ideas I will share. I know you cannot wait.
You're Welcome,
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