"I didn't say black people", insisted Rick Santorum on Bill O'Reilly's No Spin Zone. Yet there he was spinning like Rumpelstiltskin. Only he was producing pure manure instead of gold. "I said blah people". That was all of the clip I could stomach watching.
I disagree, Mr. Santorum. Admittedly, I was only watching the national news when I saw and heard you clearly say, "black people". The moment stands out in my mind because I immediately thought, "he just said on camera to a largely white audience that he didn't want to give their money to black people. Is he THAT stupid?" Sadly, Mr. Santorum, you are.
Newt Gingrich asked for an invitation to speak to the NAACP so he could advise black people how to get off the welfare roles and on a payroll. Mr. Gingrich has also stated that unfortunate children who don't have fathers and role models should be allowed to work as janitors in the schools they attend. What a pompous blowhard.
Rick Perry apparently hunted on a lease known as, "Nigger Head," when he was growing up in Texas. Having grown up in Texas myself, this surprises me not at all. Being born in 1953 I clearly remember life before the civil rights movement. I remember hearing and saying , "You're a nigger and I'm not", and "last one in is a nigger baby". At the time these were just childhood taunts like, "I am rubber and you are glue, whatever you say bounces off me and sticks to you". As I grew up I realized how nasty and insulting those particular taunts were.
Ron Paul is probably the worst offender. He published many racists articles in his lifetime. He swears he doesn't remember writing or reading them, he just published them. Talk about being removed from reality. That is like Forbes Magazine saying they published some financial articles in their magazine but their publication is not about money.
Since the election of Barack Obama, I have been shocked at the racist attitude still alive and well in this nation. I have seen cartoons drawn of both the President and the First Lady as terrorists as well as apes. I have seen rich white men froth at the mouth about Obama's birth certificate. Even after the White House released the full certificate that clearly shows our President was born in Hawaii some people won't believe the truth. Why? Because these people still believe that blacks are not capable of being equal to white people. The reality of having a black man as President and Commander-in-Chief is more than their egos can tolerate.
I have met people who do not consider themselves racists, they just don't like other races as much as the Caucasian race. "My best friend is black, I call him a nigger and he calls me a cracker but I like him, the color of his skin doesn't matter but in general I prefer white people". How could that be considered not racist? That is the definition of racist. "White people are just better".
The state of Georgia is trying to keep Obama off their state ballot for the election in November. Georgia has apparently sided with "birthers". Ergo they don't want a non citizen's name on the ballot. Add that to the fact that Georgia is currently in the news for the wording of math problems in one of their public schools: "there are 526 oranges on the trees, If eight slaves pick the oranges, how many will each slave pick?", I would say Georgia is still living in the 1800s.
The Tea Party is the KKK come out of the closet. Their rallies are only missing the robes and hoods. They can claim that they are all about getting back to fiscal conservatism and the Constitution but they certainly seem racist. I heard a Tea Party member explain to a reporter that even his black wife thinks that Obama is too black. Too black? What is too black? Is it skin tone? Is it attitude? Is it DNA? "Too black", is a racist phrase.
Men like Rick Santorum, Newt Gingrich, Rick Perry and Ron Paul are so innately racist that I don't think they even recognize their racism. To assume that black people are the majority race on the welfare roles is racist. For New Gingrich to assume that he has the ability to explain to the NAACP how they can get their people off food stamps is racist. For Rick Perry's handlers to say that "nigger head" is what all the locals called the lease because of the shape of a rock on the property, is racist.
Baby boomers have learned over the course of a lifetime that many of the things we were taught as children turned out to not be true. One of the basic things we learned is that all people really are created equal. There are divisions in our society that are driven by socioeconomic status not skin color. There are many people in need in the country, many people on food stamps and receiving money from government programs. These people in need are Americans. They aren't black, white, brown, yellow, red or whatever color they are referred to, they are people.
Whites who automatically assume that blacks are lesser simply because they have a different skin color are racist to the core. Dr. King lived and died so that people could be judged not on the color of the skin but the quality of their character. I love that idea. Let's judge everyone on the quality of their character. Using that as the measure, I would say that none of the GOP front runners qualify to run this nation.
Life used to be black and white. It was evident everywhere. Separate neighborhoods, water fountains, entrances into businesses, separate sections on public buses, hotels and restaurants for blacks and whites. No mixing in society. No mixed marriage. No relationship with blacks unless they worked for you.
Now life is apparently blah and white. At this point in history we are supposed to have evolved into reasonable, understanding people who see everyone as equal in the eyes of The Lord and society. Instead we have created little more than political correctness. Watch your mouth, not your soul. Don't say the wrong thing but thinking the wrong thing is fine. Back pedal when you are caught sounding and behaving like a racist. Make excuses for your ignorance, "I said blah people".
Mr. Santorum, you are the poster child for blah people.
You're welcome,
Lillybell Blues
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