I am a mere mortal confused by life. As I approach the age of 60 at what seems like light speed, I cannot help but wonder....who, who wrote the books of love?
I don't mean romantic love. We all know what that is. It is the hokey pokey of the heart:
You put your best foot forward, you take your best foot out...
I mean who wrote the books of "LOVE YOUR FELLOW MAN?" All these years, more than half a century, I assumed it was You. I am beginning to think it was mere mortals with great ideas and then other mere mortals said, "the hell with that, it's all about me". You know the books I mean, The Torah, The Bible, The Koran. The Kama Sutra, no....that's wrong.
The great books of great religions, the writings of great philosophers and poets, the testimonials from people who lost their beloved child, spouse, sibling, friend, parent; the words always amount to LOVE while you are alive. Don't be petty. Don't be afraid. Just LOVE before it is too late. Be kind. Be thoughtful. Be generous. Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.
Today we are a society full of hate, greed, false prophets and epic propaganda. Love your fellow man? More like shoot to kill your fellow man. Want to help that stranger? Well....could be a scam to get you close enough to rob, rape, beat, kill you. Want to give money to the beggar on the corner? Well...it would tie up traffic, and besides he looks, you know, dirty. If he cleaned up a little and didn't look so crazy I might. Want to support that charity? Might be one of those, "for every dollar given at least 1% actually helps someone" charities.
Don't like that country? They look threatening? Do they have something you might want? Do you not like their religion? Do you find their culture odd? Start a war. Kill as many as you can. Make the world a better place by eliminating what you hate. Or what you don't understand. They are only humans, we got lots of those.
Don't like that political idea? Make sure everyone knows it's not just against what you believe convince people that it is EVIL. Make them want to kill people for your beliefs. Shoot them or humiliate them or give them enough rope to hang themselves. Then mock them. Kick them when they are down. That's humanity.
Don't like THAT segment of the community? Well, hold them back. Give them less. Don't ever provide them with the same quality of services and opportunities that THE OTHER people have. That would be so, ew, fair. Keep them in their place. It's better for everyone that is like me.
HOW DID WE GET HERE? In Washington our very childish Congress recently spent time, money and effort in affirming that since 1956 we have trusted in God. "In God We Trust", is our motto and we will kick your ass to prove it. Just give us the chance to crush you under our feet you dregs of society. You huddled masses, you tired, you poor, you hungry. You make us sick.
So, Higher Being, Enlightened Intelligence, how did we get so stupid? Where exactly did we go wrong? Or is it that mankind is truly evil and You are but a marketing ploy to get people to go along with whatever far left or far right field notion comes along? Not that I dare feel I should tell You what to do, but in Your place I would smite us over and over and over until we got it correct.
We live in a world where people die by the thousands from hunger, lack of water and diseases that are easily cured and where individuals have billions of dollars. People die in war every day and other people profit from those deaths. People kill each other in the streets over territory. People use other people in degrading and horrible ways for fun and profit.
We have taken the Garden of Eden and turned it into a sick, twisted web of deceit and corruption. Yay humans! We have denigrated our fellow man with willfulness and hate. We have clearly drawn lines and no one better cross them or life could be a living hell.
So, who did write the books of LOVE? And why are they so difficult to interpret? Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.
How hard could it be?
Lillybell Blues
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