This is America. Land of the free, home of the brave and cesspool of politics. The, "land of opportunity", is becoming the land of, "you other guys SUCK". Election season magnifies the divide in our nation and between her citizens. Like bacteria under a microscope our differences look menacing and potentially unbeatable.
We all want the same basic things in life. Good health, happiness, shelter, the ability to pursue our dreams, money for creature comforts and the same for our families. The security to go about our daily lives without being harassed or threatened by roving gangs of criminals or over zealous police is expected. The comfort in being a member of a society living without constant threat of death or injury from a terrorist attack, foreign or domestic, is expected. In other words, a free society.
Freedom to live as we choose has changed time and again in our nation. Our ability to start with nothing and make something of ourselves is becoming the exception and not the rule in our current era. The cards are stacked against many in this country and more often than not few care so long as they or their families are not personally impacted.
American history is bloated with examples of people with power holding others back. Of corporations taking advantage of their workers.Of people being bought and sold as property. Of children being used as cheap labor. Of immigrants being used for the most dangerous and deadly tasks in manufacturing and building. Of robber barons monopolizing their industries. Of people being cheated out of their homes, property and way of life. Of non-white people and women being second class citizens or not citizens at all.
America has suffered through civil war, civil unrest, labor strikes, natural and man made disasters. It has taken slow, painstaking changes in our laws and societal thinking to create a level playing field for all of our citizens. Sounds like a land of progressive, thoughtful people. Sounds like a nation of citizens that care about those who do not have all the tools readily at hand to be successful. Sounds like a society who can change and evolve.
Yet we seem to be stuck. We aren't moving forward and moving back is not an option. Our nation is in debt. We have been involved in war for 11 years. We have well educated, capable people out of work. We have hunger and homelessness in every town and city. We have high crime. Our education system is struggling. Our veterans are coming home to no jobs and in danger of losing their homes. We have citizens who have no access to health care for themselves or their children.
We need job creators. We need to manufacture the best products to export to the rest of the world. We need sustainable, affordable energy. We need to provide the best education to give our children the skills necessary to compete and succeed in the world. We need visionaries to take us to new heights in science and technology. We need to have common national goals in which we can take pride.
So how do we, the voters, choose those among us to govern, to legislate? We listen to name calling, school yard level taunting, lies and witness underhanded behavior. This behavior is from our candidates and their election teams and not the lunatic fringe. Election season reminds me of those first few months every year in junior high when slam books were passed from student to student to express their real feelings about their peers. (For you youngsters, slam books were how we bullied each other in school prior to the Internet).
Electing our leaders has become like one, long tail gate party, side by side with rivals, that turns into a brawl. We even have team colors and mascots. The Red vs The Blue. The Elephant vs. The Donkey. We have warring spin doctors dominating every form of media 24/7. There is an entire industry that consists of spewing distorted versions of facts and conspiracy theories. One sided, political party loving, party excusing and explaining experts are everywhere. Finding dirt on an opponent is the number one priority. They preach gloom and doom if the other side should win. We have reached the point in history where winning is more important than the state of the union.
Both sides have demonstrated their unwillingness to resolve issues because they will not compromise. Members of Congress will walk away from their job rather than engage in the nasty business of working out legislation. They take their ball and go home. Conveniently they stop in front of all the cameras and microphones on the way out to drop some sound bites in time to make the next news cycle.
We should not stand for this. We aren't fans in a stadium rooting for the home team. We are citizens of a nation in turmoil in need of leaders, statesmen and people of reason representing we the people.
The founding fathers of this nation set out to create a society where one's fate was not determined by the circumstance of birth. No Kings begetting more kings. No landed gentry begetting more gentry. No poor and enslaved begetting more poor and enslaved. No national religion to follow or to influence legislation. The founding fathers envisioned a nation where everyone was equal. Where opportunities were there for all. Where you could achieve things based on ability and merit. Where the good of the nation was above the good of any one portion of society. These men were so aware of history, of the natural selfishness of man and the addictive quality of power, they created a constitution that could be amended as the needs of society changed while preserving equality for all citizens. Three branches of government to maintain a balance. A peaceful change of power.
Were these perfect men? No. They were flawed, stubborn and self serving to varying degrees. They could not reach an agreement on slavery so they left the fate of those enslaved in the hands of history. They acknowledged their failings and weaknesses. But they laid the foundation for a dynamic Republic. We are the lucky recipients of their struggles.
America is at a crossroad. We are weaker in many areas than we have been in decades. This is the time people must come together. Compromise is necessary and when it cannot be achieved then consensus must be found. This isn't about who wins and who loses, this is about realizing what we do now will effect people here and now as well as in the future. This isn't about running America like a corporation or one huge social program. This is a time for truth from those who want to represent us in Government. This is the time for clear, actual plans to make positive changes. We do not need recitations of what is wrong with those across the aisle but civil discussions of what is and is not working for our citizens and our bottom line. This is about what America should be for the good of all citizens.
We flourish as a nation when everyone has the opportunity to grow, learn and find their niche. I don't believe we would be happier all wearing uniforms, goose stepping and towing the national line. Nor do I think we would be happier in a lawless, dog eat dog society where your rights are determined by those with the most power, money and/or the biggest weapon.
We must learn to discuss ideas and philosophies as intelligent, considerate, thoughtful human beings. Our leaders should be exemplifying that behavior. Role modeling as we called it in corporate America. The leader of the free world should be able to rise above pettiness and party politics. The leader of the free world should listen to all the representatives of the nation's citizens. The leader of the free world should be able to stand toe to toe with their peers around the world. The ability to throw a zinger or chant a good slogan does not a leader make.
I'm not saying vote for my candidates, I am saying demand better from those who lead and aspire to lead. Don't wallow in the shallow end. Don't drink the Kool-Aid. Don't be sheeple. Don't give in to petty name calling and spreading innuendo. Don't just listen to what you want to hear. Educate yourself. Read and listen to differing points of view. Search for unbiased information that is not skewed. Demand answers with back up documentation. We deserve that.
Alone we are but one voice. Together we are a choir. Demand better, it's the least we deserve.
You're welcome,
Lillybell Blues